The Faction Games

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Review #1 (Updated)


The Faction Games

By FanFicJunction




Storyline Summary:

5 years after the third book, you see that the Factionless rule, and every year they take 1 boy and girl to participate in The Faction Games.


Opinion on Storyline:

Personally, I think the story line is very creative and nice! I haven't seen anything else like it :)


Brief Sunmary on characters/parts of story

I won't spoil too much about the characters and story, but you go through Tobias and Robert's path through the Reapings, Training, and Games which is really interesting to follow since they both have different plans, and both of their plans in the Games don't happen xD


Opinion on Characters/Story:

I feel like it got better as it went along :) I loved the character development, the romance if ya wanna call it that xD, the action, and their thoughts. I preferred following Tobias, but I think you did a great job on Robert slowly losing it xD I thought it was actually kinda creepy when he did ya know... :3


Favorite Parts:

My favorite part was probably when Robert stabbed Genevieve xD just because, it was awesome LOL. Uhm, I loved all the parts during the Training, just because you got to see how different their mentality was before and after they entered the Arena. Robert was talking about how he was gonna try and get them all out, and it didn't seem like he focused on that at all once they entered the games. I loved how fast pace it was, because it made it easy and super fun to read!



If it's only there 5th year, I wouldn't think they would have gotten as savage as publicly shooting someone for saying rebelling? I mean, if it's fairly early on in the new system I would have just made it where she was taken away. The age gap for the Reaping seems a bit too long if ya ask me. In The Hunger Games there were only 7 years you'd have to go in the Reaping, but in this there are 15 years xD it seems a bit too long if you ask me. (Still this) and... not that it is necessarily a problem, but when Robert went crazy it seemed a bit sudden xD but I guess he was sorta already on the verge, and when he saw her die it just, freaked him out enough. But yeah :) (I think that's pretty much it)


Opinion Overall:

Ultimately, I thought it was an AMAZING book with lovely romance, great character development, interesting thoughts, and entertaining action. I always checked often to see if you updated it, and I can't wait to read the sequel!


Ending Note: If you'd like me to review your Wattpad book, comment below! Thank you :)

- Sophie ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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