The Faction Games

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Review #1
The Faction Games
By FanFicJunction
5 years after the third book, you see that the Factionless rule, and every year they take 1 boy and girl to participate in The Faction Games.
Personally, I think the story line is very creative and nice! I haven't seen anything else like it :)
Tobias and Robert are the only characters they've had POVs for now, and all that's been written is the Reaping and the very beginning of the "way there" or whatever you wanna call it
Hm... I think you did a pretty good job for Tobias. But it seems more like Tris than Tobias to volunteer. But, if you're coming from a point of view as "he wants to finally take a chance and be rebellious" then I can see that. For Robert, I don't think it really makes sense to volunteer. Sure, seeing her die might have been the cause, but you never said he knew her, and if he's Amity than why would he volunteer to be in a thing where you have to fight?
I love how you had Tobias thinking about Tris as Max listed the faction things. I also love how you explained things in it as they were happening.
If it's only there 5th year, I wouldn't think they would have gotten as savage as publicly shooting someone for saying rebelling? I mean, if it's fairly early on in the new system I would have just made it where she was taken away. The age gap for the Reaping seems a bit too long if ya ask me. In The Hunger Games there were only 7 years you'd have to go in the Reaping, but in this there are 15 years xD it seems a bit too long if you ask me.
Overall, I think it is really good and I will continue to read it :) Keep hanging in there! You have a really nice plot and are starting well.
Ending Note: If you'd like me to review your Wattpad book, comment below! Thank you :)
- Sophie ❤

Sophie's ReviewsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora