-"The call was made by you. Thats why."

"Freaking moron." Least bothered whether he heard me or not, I muttered under my breathes and ended the call furiously, banging the phone over my bed.

However, just in the immediate next second, I picked up my phone again and dialled his number.

I knew he was still at the phone. I also knew that he was not going to speak anything even if he attended the call within the first ring itself. That meant I had the full opportunity to speak the entire thing in one go and disconnect the call before he could answer anything.

And since he was not going to call me back, I knew my job was already pretty easy.

"....Just for reminding you.. I AM NOT COMING TO YOUR PARTY TODAY!"

I said and the rest of the things went according to the plan.


Though grumpily, I left for my office after that. Work wasn't supposed to be ignored. Nor that I wanted to. Infact working was the only solution I had to divert my mind from that stupid person, whose face, I had vouched not to see in this lifetime again.

But then there is always something called 'destiny'. Sometimes it can make you feel lucky, elated. While during the other times it can act like a real jackass. And ofcourse, my case was the second one.

Seemed like it had to be so or the world might lose a chance to save its ass!

Yes.  Whatever.

So it happened like....... I went to Nirvana's school sharp on time. Okay, that was a little exeggeration. I was late, only by fifteen minutes. Thanks to Mumbai's traffic. But then as I reached there, I found my daughter had already left the school premises and that her father was there to pick her up.


Once again did the year old thing happen. Once again I shouted over the watchman for being so reckless. Although I couldn't continue it for long. The watchman, Kishan Murari, had a strong reason to argue this time. He said that there was no mistake in identifying my husband becoz his previous experiences came handy to him. And unwantingly I had to buy that answer becoz I myself knew that Dev was very much in town to do such a thing. He was well aware that if he could abduct my baby and take her to his private party, I would come running after him automatically. It was the famous bengali proverb- 'kaan tanlei mathe ashe' (the head comes if you pull the ear) that he had applied upon me. Phases of his business strategies! But I still named it as destiny anyway coz I believed that had I not been fifteen minutes late, he would have never got his chance with my baby!!

That lucky jerk!

Irritated to the core, I drove back to my apartment as fast as the afternoon streets could permit. On reaching there, I hurriedly parked my car outside the garrage and rushed for the elevator while searching the door keys in the crevices of my handbag...only to find them missing from their place!

The next few seconds went in ransacking my bag as well my stupid little brain, trying to remember where exactly could I have dropped the keys. Most possibly I had dropped them in my office itself, somewhere in my own my cubicle, when I was pulling out the water bottle from my bag.

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