A Story is Told...

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"Well, Erm...it's quite a long story, monsieur Friar..." It was an odd question to ask, but I could forgive the man; I'd want to know as well of how an entanglement such as this occurred.

Isaac Friar, the Irishman ASG, had asked about my story. The 'how' and 'why' I got involved in such a gruesome war with the infamous Skullgirl, and this town. To be honest, it's not a fun tale to speak of.

But...I did meet sweet Caroline...perhaps a walk through memory lane could serve as a guide, yes? Can't allow such feelings to be bottled up due to negative emotions. My dear had far too many of those...

"Well make it snappy Boy Scout! I have a specific dame I want to track down...she owes me more signed merch," Peacock rolled her nonexistent eyes, as she sat at a nearby table.

"Erm, Yes, Miss Watson...ahem, Anyway, how should I start this..?" I chuckled nervously. I thought being late would require an apology, not a story. Flying in from Gigan territory isn't fun when most airports are destroyed.

"Any way you want lad. Just don't repeat what I know; makes the prequel weaker!" I blinked at that comment. And readily ignored it as I thought back, the first memory I had...

"...It was fire and brimstone..." Telling them, I had opened my wounds, the infection of a thousand traumatic events edging it's way out to the wind and air.


End of the Skullgirl, Queen Renoir...

Eastern Austria.

I ached, my body being crushed by rubble, the smells of ash spreading throughout my being. Odd. I never knew how hell would become...i guessed this was very close. The very smoke choked me up, as I felt my face.

It burned, not because of flames, but because of the bleeding. It got in my eye a little, a straight cut into my flesh.

Around me, a horror awaited. The dead knights of my covenant now lay astray. Unbound by their mortal coil.

"Mon du..." Croaking slightly, with a shrug, I managed to at least sit up. We were a pile. Ahead...another one. No...something different.

Yes, now I remember...she killed them all. With a flash of bright light, she moved on. I missed my chance! Wait...what could I have done? This beast...I was but a lowly Pawn. Not even our best Rook golems, nor our magically inclined Bishops knew of a way to beat a Skullgirl.

Forcing myself to crawl over the corpses, fresh as ever, I tumbled. Down I went, until reaching solid ground, dirt scorched from hellfire. Ahead, I looked into the eyes of my hero; Magnus. My teacher.

"...C-Captain..." Tears were starting to flow as he was clearly breathing as well. "...o-our...they...t-hey...oh...merde..."

"...hehe...Ja...guess we overestimated...our chances...D-Duval...Ngh..." Reaching with his hand, he held a pin. A living weapon, his own Percival. One granted for a knight.

"N-No...monsieur Magnus...that's yours...that's-" He practically shoved the pin in my hand.

"Duval. This day forward you are Chess Knight, Pawn...no longer..."

"Magnus..." I stared at him, knowing that his life was just closing it's final chapter. And I didn't want it to end there.

"Duval...you are young...p-protect what's left...be a knight not just in...name...but character. Strong. G-got it, Duval?"

Should I even be be certain? Should I really be confident in the quality that I take by becoming a Chess Knight? Yet...somewhere in me made the decision for me; I nodded immediately afterword.

Knight's Honor: A Skullgirls PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now