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10 Years Later

Brees POV

        "Okay everyone, picture time!" I call out to my family and friends.

        Rick and Kate had decided to throw a big barbecue with our closest friends and family to celebrate my first year anniversary of being the 12th Precincts lead forensic science technician. 

        Eleven year old Sarah Grace ran up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

        "Congratulations Auntie Bree!" 

        "Thank you Sarah Grace." I chuckle.

        I walk across the yard to my 6 year old little sister.

        "C'mon Allie, it's picture time." I tell her as I pick her up.

        With Allison on my hip, I march back to where everyone is already standing, ready for the picture. I take my place beside Alexis ans in front of Ryan. Esposito tuns to press the timer, when Kate shouts something out.

        "Alright you guys, I want I nice picture to put on my desk! No funny business, I mean it. No goofy smiles or bunny ears, I'm talking to you Castle!" Kate warns.

        Ten seconds later the shutter clicks and I run to look at our picture.

        Kate was cross-eyed, and had her cheeks puffed out like a frog. Jenny had hopped up onto Castles back and had her arms up in the air. Esposito was using Ryan's leg like a guitar and was doing the duckface. Ryan was using one hand to give Esposito bunny ears and the other was pulling my hair.  Alexis had pulled all her hair in front of her face, making her look like a redheaded Cousin It from The Addams Family. I was trying my best to glare at Ryan while not dropping Allie, who had chocolate cake all over her face and was sticking her tongue out. Sarah Grace was mid-handstand, and Lanie was holding up her feet while peering through them. Castle was staring straight into the camera without even a hint of a smile, as if taking a mugshot. Martha was scolding her son, her finger wagging and a frown upon her face, but her eyes full of love and humour.

        I look up at my unbiological family and utter a single word that clearly gets the message across.


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