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                                                                              Kates POV

        Castle grabbed my wrist, keeping me back from the rest of the group.

        "Castle? Don't you want to go see Bree?" I asked, my voice full of wonder.

        "What's going to happen to her Kate? Now that her parents are gone, where does she go? Her parents were only children, and her grandparents passed away before she was born."

        "Well, I'm assuming she'll be put in a foster home. Why do you ask?" Was my honest answer,

        "Because Kate, I... I want to adopt her."

        I stared at my husband, shocked. I always wanted kids, but this seemed so sudden. I thought about the situation for a second. She was a good kid, smart, driven, and optimistic. She had already bonded with Alexis and Martha. She had Lanie and Ryan wrapped around her little finger. Esposito was the softest I'd ever seen him when he was around her. Jenny had only met her tonight, yet she already seemed to be warming up to her. I was ready for this. I felt a huge uncontrollable smile spread across my face and I confidently nodded my approval. Castle let out a smile to rival my own, and dragged me into Brees hospital room. 

        Upon our delayed arrival to Brees room, the rest of the team stared up at us wondering why we were late. I stepped up to the side of Brees bed and smiled down at her.

        "We got him Bree. You're safe now." I whispered softly, tears welling in my eyes.

        She sighed, and you could visibly see her relax. 

        "It was a man named Christopher Carlucci. He worked with your dad in the mines, that's how he got access to the cyanide salts. The interrogation only took about 10 minutes, we ended up getting a full confession." I continued

        Bree frowned at that information.

        "I met Mr. Carlucci once or twice, Dad was his boss. I'm pretty sure he was laid of a few weeks ago though. Did he say why he did it?" Bree questioned.

        "Yeah, He did. He said he was jealous of how perfect your family seemed. He was angry of how your parents were happily married, and he couldn't ind anyone for himself. He was mad that your dad had a better job than him, even though he worked at the company for longer. Th reason he kept going after you, was because when he met you, he said you were so put together. He hated the fact that a 13 year old girl had a better plan for her future than him. He also hated himself or the fact that net year he would be 40 and still hadn't done anything with his life, nor have a plan for hat he was going to to with his life." I explained, brushing a piece of hair out of her eyes.

        "Kate?" Bree asked, her hazel eyes staring intensely into mine.

        "Yeah?" I responded, very nervous as to whatever was running through her mind.

        "Whats going to happen to me? Once I get out of here, where am I going to go? I don't have any relatives, and it's not like I can get a place on my own."

        "Actually Bree, Castle and I wanted to talk to you about that." I began, glancing at my friends who all stared at me in utter confusion.

        "You see," I continued "Rick and I have both grown to become very close to you,and we were wondering if you'd be at all interested in letting us adopt you." I finished with a smile.

        Bree stared at me in disbelief, her mouth hanging open and her eyes like pie plates.

        "Are... Are you serious? You really want me to come live with you guys?" Bree gaped.

        "Serious as a heart attack." Castle chimed in.

        "So Bree, what do you say? Would you be okay with us adopting you?" I asked, wishing with all my might that she says yes.

        She jumped up onto her knees and threw her arms around mine and Castles necks. I could feel her hot tears dripping onto my shoulder.

        "Yes... Absolutely yes. I... I love you guys." She cried.

        All of our friends clapped, bringing us back into reality and reminding us there were other people in the room.

         "Congratulations you three, this is amazing." Lanie beamed.

        "Actually," Ryan began to speak, "I think we're all winning here. Alexis gets a little sister, Martha gets another granddaughter, Castle and Beckett get a daughter, and as for the rest of us, we all get to spend more time with Bree. I think I speak for all of us when I say this was a pretty perfect ending to a pretty crappy night."

        Everyone nodded in agreement before launching into conversation about plans for the future, and how much our lives will improve now that the struggles of the past few days are behind us.

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