Unusual Introductions

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NOTE * Hey guys, so all pictures or songs I do not own unless I say so. Hope you guys like it. If you do I suggest reading my other book. Not a shameless plug at all. 


(Y/N) = Your Name

(E/C)= Eye Color

(H/L)=Hair Length

(H/C)=Hair Color

(S/C)=Skin Color

*(Y/N)'s  POV (Point Of View)*

I was on my phone watching video's on my bed when I looked out my window and saw how dark it was already. 

"Seriously, how long have I been on my phone?" I asked myself when I looked at my alarm clock and saw it said 11:30 pm.

"Wow, I been on my phone for 9 hours straight." Once school got out so I just came home and relaxed but I didn't know I was relaxing for 9 hours straight. I looked back outside and saw it was a clear sky.

"Might as well go stargazing." I got off my bed, went out of my apartment, and head to the roof. I got up there and saw a few figures a few buildings away from me. But something didn't look right. They had oval like armor on there. My curiosity took started taking over and I made my way over there quietly over there so I could get a better look at them. When  I got a better look I realized something.


I didn't know what to do so I just started listening to there conversation

"Come on Leo let's go home, I'm tired of running from place to place just because you ' have a feeling somethings gonna happen.' Something has happened, us wanting to leave."said one of them with a red bandanna

" Calm down guys, at least I got something out of it. PIZZA!" said the shortest of them

" Yeah, a slice which you found on the ground with trash on it." Replied the tallest one

"You're just jealous that I got it before you."

"Quiet you guys" said the final one having been look at the streets try to find something. "Or were gonna blow our cover. Like the Spider Bytes incident." 

"Hey how was I supposed to know the guy would come on the roof?" replied red bandanna

"You wouldn't have to if you just stayed quiet and didn't make mickey say untruthful things about you." Before I could listen to the rest some grabbed me from behind and picked me up and started carrying me. I screamed at the top of my lungs and started wiggling, trying to get out of there. I kicked in there nether regions and they let go of me. Before I had time to run these guys that looked liked classic ninja's circled me. I fought like my life was depending on it because I think it was. I was able to knock five out when one of them when I wasn't paying attention hit me in the back of the head. I started falling to the ground when someone caught me. I opened my eyes to see it was the shortest one the group earlier. I heard fighting going on while I was looking at his baby blue eyes. I started seeing black dots in my peripheral vision and and I felt really tired.

"Guys she needs help!" he told the others. I couldn't hear what they said. My eyes started to close.

"No, stay awake, your gonna be OK." He told me. I nodded and closed my eyes. Not knowing what will happen to me. 

From Enemy to Friend and from Friend to Enemy (TMNT 2012)Where stories live. Discover now