Chapter 4 : Almia Air

Start from the beginning

So I worked on that application, asking me to write down experiences with Pokemon, my goal in life, and why I wanted to study so badly at this Academy. I answered, taking time to write on the precious form. When I got it all filled out, the papers were mailed, and I had time to hang out with Pichu. 

We went to the Lake, sat around. For a while this is how it went (I barely had those crazy dreams to top it all off) and Pichu and I got to know each other even more. In a week, I even got a reply from the Academy.

Almia, Pokemon Ranger Academy

Headmaster Lamont

 Dear Grace,

Thank you for your time to fill out the forms. I, Lamont Splendidocious, is extremely excited by your well thought responses, and is truly amazed at the story from the Lake's affair. You were brave and strong, and connected with that Blastoise like no other, and saved the day!

 I will be open with welcome arms now, to ensure that you are welcome to our Academy to study and become an official area ranger. The school is anticipating your arrival in August.

 Regards, Lamont Splendidocious

I almost screamed, racing outside with Pichu by my side. "Soon, Pichu! We will get there! Stopping bad guys, saving Pokemon!"

"Chu! Pi! Pi!"

So the months passed, peaceful yet anticipating. Pichu and I got a bond going unlike any other, so when that day came, where I was to take a plane to Peultown, I was very jittery.

"Alrighty! Lucky you got me, eh?" I tossed my duffel bags on the wagon of our neighbor, Henry, willing to take us to Jubilife. "Rapidash! Raaa!" His horse Pokemon whinnied.

"Thanks for the ride to Jubilife." I smiled, glad my father and I didn't have to tote all this to the airport. "No problem at all!" We piled in, off on the road. Cars weren't allowed around here, so it was a peaceful wagon ride.

"Chu! Pi!" Pichu jumped around, as bubbly as I was.

Long story short, we got to the city, boarded the cargo plane headed to Peultown (luckily on this day, the day before the School started)

It was early, and I gave a teary good bye to my father, still raw from the night before when I had said goodbye to my later rising mother and sister. It was four in the morning, yet I wasn't tired!

"See you, Grace. Write often, will you?" I nodded and wiped my face before getting in the passenger spots of the plane.

"Bye!" I yelled and took a seat. The captain was nice, telling me it'd be a pretty short flight. I sighed deeply and nodded. Time to go.

It was short, over Mount Coronet, and into the borders of Almia at last. "Chu!" Pichu laughed, jumping around the seats.

"Okay passengers, buckle up, we are landing soon!" Peeking out the window as we made the smooth dip, I could see our destination.

Peultown was beautiful. A port city, the streets neatly paved with stone, people and Pokemon inhabiting the streets.

We landed in a little air strip to the west of town. "ALMIAAAA!" Overjoyed, I practically flew to the exit of the plane. Stretching in the Almia air, I could make out Ken approaching, on a Doduo, followed by two more.

"Grace!" He cried out, waving. My heart gave a leap and I made my way down the stairs, and onto the pavement of the landing strip. My first step onto Almia.

"HEY!!! ALMIA REGION!" Pichu and I jumped around, laughing and drunk with excitement. "Alright, alright. Come on you two." Ken rolled his eyes. "Air! Pom!" On his shoulder was the cutest little Aipom.

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