"Zayn it's not okay" Harry almost shouts "Harry doesn't have any more pills so after school were going to get some after school" Liam says.

" Harry it's okay he's always had a short temper....but not like today lately when he's mad I've been really scared of him like in the principals office after we beat up Logan and josh he was yelling at me and I was scared of him" I says to the others.

"Maybe when he was gone something changed him a little" Niall says "yeah maybe" I say looking down and reading and so do the others.

" Mr. Malik" our teacher says and I look up and she has a note and I walk up to her "head to the principals office" she says so I do but once I walk out side some one pulls me into a closet.

"Zayn it's just me" Louis says and I take a deep breath "of corse why would Lottie want to see me" I say "look I'm really sorry Zayn" Louis says and I cross y arms.

" why should I forgive you" I say coldly "I'm not asking you to I just want you to know it's just ugh just know I'm really sorry okay" Louis says walking out of the closet and I follow him and grab his wrist.

"I know your sorry but you beat me up and screamed in my face it hurt emotionally and physically" I say "I know and I'm gonna make it up to you I promise" Louis says.

"You better dick head" I say and he smiles and I hug him then quickly pull back "sorry" I say "so are we almost cool" Louis says "we're cool bro" I say and we walk away and I head back Ito class.

" so what did Lottie want" Liam asks "it wasnt Lottie I talked to Louis and things are cool now" I say and they all nod "good that's just great" Harry says angrily and he raises his hand "yes mr. styles" she says "I need to go to Lottie now" he says and she nods and he grabs all of his things and leaves.

"God Harry with out his pills is just scary" Niall says "but after school we just need to grab his pills and he'll be Harry again" Liam says.

" I like how all the teachers just had to know about Harry's problem" I say through gritted teeth "well if they didn't then he couldn't get help could he" NIALL says rubbing my knee and I smile.

"Guys where's Harry" Louis says when he sees us walking to 6th period "we thought he was with you" Liam says "no I haven't seen him in a since this morning" Louis says.

" guys just get to class i'll find him" Louis says and we walk to class "Zayn where's Harry" Niall asks "I don't know but Louis going to find him okay" I say and he nods.

(Louis p.o.v.)

"Harry where are you" I yell I've checked every where but he gym and I still can't find him so I go I to the boys locker room and there's a crowd of people laughing and pictures being taken so I go through he crowd and I see Harry naked and tied to one of the showers with duck tape over his mouth and he's crying badly.

"Harry" I say getting through and I rush over to him and take the tape off and turn the shower off and every one leaves once the last bell rings.

" Harry what happened" I say untying his ankles "josh and Logan th-they did this" he says and I give him my dragon hoodie I was wearing and I stay in my short sleave.

I go to my locker and give him boxers and sweats and be puts them on and I hold him close to me his bruises are starting to fade away his cuts are healing his black eyes is going down.

" Louis why would thy do this" he says and I shake my head "cause they're just ass' " I say to him "I made sure no one say my scars I was holding my knees to my chest the whole time" he says and I nod helping him up.

"I'm so sorry Harry" I say and he hugs me and I hug back "we should get going" I say grabbing our bags and I place the wet flower crown on his head and I wrap an arm around his waist keeping him close to me.

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