"I love you 3000"

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We finished our ramen 15mins ago and Jimin was making sure we make this night very fun....I don't know why he is acting like that it's literally just a hangout and then I come back

"Y/N let's watch a movie!" Jimin said

"Ok then...what kind?" You said

"Hmmm comedy,action,sad..or how about..ROMANCE?" He said while smirking

" how about action?"you said while trying to change the mood chim just created

"Ok then you sure you don't want to watch a romantic movie??" He said

"Yup I'm sure now pick the best action movie!"
He opened his computer and surfed for a good movie

"How about hmmm  FAST AND FURIOUS??? Hm?" He said waiting for my answer

"I think but I already watched that movi-..." you said

"Awwww plss I didn't watch it yet just watch with me this movie plslslslsl"He said then pouted cutely at me
Aghhh who can survive that how can no one touch those lips with him pouting like that he is so cute like tha- WTH?! No Y/N that's crazy I don't even know what I'm saying
"Y/n Y/N!! Are you there??" He said while shaking me

"Yaaah yah yaaah stop it I'm fine" you said

"OK but plsss watch it with meee" he whined


"Yayyyyy thank you Y/N!!"

" ahaha yeah let's watch it already..." ughh how can he be so cute??! I need to stop this feelings

                            AFTER THE MOVIE
" *yawn* that movie was so nice" he said sleepily

"Yeah let's sleep tomorrow we got so much stuff to do"

                                  GRADUATION DAY
:sorry I'm just to lazy to those stuff I hope you can understand I got a lot of stuff to do at school and I want to make sure I done keep you guys waiting 😞 I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND ♥️

It was graduation day I'm finally done with this...I can't wait to really see the world and start my story...

"Y/N! What are you gonna do now??" Chim said

"I planned on leaving the country but I don't know when..." you said trying not to sound sad

"What....oh well it is your life how about we go out?? Hm? To celebrate our graduation day!"

"Yeah! Let's do that oh! My parents decided to buy me a house here let's go there!" You said while searching for the address on a paper

"Ahh there it is" you said while holding it

"I haven't even started to get a house haha les go there" he got in his BRAND NEW CAR he got after getting his license FINALLY

We drove to the address and wowiee it's beautiful

:you can imagine it yourself

Chim got out of the car and took out our luggage

"Let's get inn!!" I said like a kid

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