I Need U (MV shooting)

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Q. How's your condition today?

Kris smiles. "I'm excited.We're doing the scene in my bedroom now. But later we're going to shoot a fight scene like an action movie." He tucks behind his brown hair. "But in this scene I'm the one getting beat up." He sighs. "I want to beat other people." 

<A sadistic mind behind that angelic face?>

"But I'm still excited."

Q. What kind of role are you playing in the MV?

"I'm playing a role of a person that gets bullied for their appearance." Kris answered. "Because of that this person hides from the world to avoid the pain. Thankfully I've never been physically bullied in real life." He chuckled awkwardly.

The first set is a bedroom. The first scene is that he looks out the window from behind the curtain as is waiting for someone. His second scene is to pace around the room in anxiety and pull his sleeves down to hide his bruises and then look in the mirror where he sees the bruises on his face, the ones he can't hide. And then his third scene is him curled up under the bed looking at nothing with earphones in his ears, pretending the world doesn't exist. 

Kris looks at the video the director shows him. 

"Wahh." Kris hid his smile with his hand. "It looks like a movie scene. And my bruises look so real." Kris looks up in amazement. "Every one is so talented. Thank you for your hard work." He bowed to the staff. 



Jhope speaks up,"I Need U is about parting. It's like 'I really hate you, but why do I always think about you and need you'." Jin and Jimin 'ahhh' and nod in agreement.

Kris dramatically holds his palms on his heart and says "It's the heartbreaking story of me and chocolate."  Jin, Jimin and Jhope burst out laughing at Kris' situation.

<poor Kris is on a diet>

 "I love you but I hate you. I don't need you but I miss you." He continues looking into the distance.

Jin then speaks "But the lyrics are really heart breaking too."

"Sing a verse for us!" Jimin cheers.

"The sky is blue~" Jin sings, and then stops. The others pause expecting more singing. 

Kris and Jhope lol'd when he didn't. "That's exactly one verse!"

"Everyone is so stingy." Jimin sighed. 


"There's this scene where we're all sitting around a bonfire." Kris starts. "But what I can't understand is, why is there a piano here?"

<the quite one is quite confused>

<jungkook and suga are playing with the piano while the others are happy around them>

<another scene with the boys running around>

V grins his boxy smile. "Kris-hyung is happy that there's no group dance" 

<camera pans to Kris who is being loud and energetic with Suga and RM> 

"He's so energetic today."

 <V finds his energetic hyung cute~>

"Ah I bet he'll even give me a piggyback ride if I ask him." V is confident. <Will Kris?>

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