[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 14

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[Reader's POV]

Yes, I'm back. I love you, too. I love you so much. I said that in the spur of the moment.

I know that this is not the right time for this, but I can't help it. I want to get a kiss. As I angled my head and moved my face closer, we were distracted when we heard someone retching their guts out. We partly separated so that we can look. There laid Claudia in the dispersing lighting cage. She vomited so much blood and we knew that she's definitely dying.

"She's bleeding!" I exclaimed. I wanted to approach her, or even crawl towards her, but I couldn't move my body anymore. Shizuo grabbed my shoulder and shook his head to stop me from trying.

We heard loud running footsteps and saw Shinra and the old lady storming in. Shinra was panting heavily and still looked terrified. "That was a nightmare! The zombies just collapsed and dismembered themselves!"

The old lady noticed the woman who is about to die and walked to her. "So you finally did it, young lady," she said, then looked back at Shizuo and me. "You two did great," she complimented us.

Leena's breathing have become more labored and she still forced an apologetic laugh. "(F/n)... Shizuo..." she called us softly but loud enough for us to hear. "...I'm sorry."

I looked sadly at her. I know this is not the right time, but I understand that she wanted to pass away without a heavy weight on her chest. Even though apologizing at us can do a little, I can't completely ease her from her regrets.

"You found true love... and no one can break you," she added. "I should've told Tatsu-kun how I truly felt before all this had happened."

"..." I couldn't find the right words to tell her. I looked at Shizuo and he's also at lost with his words.

"That's why... the monster Tatsu-kun gave you, I took it all away," she said in between her coughs. "Live like a normal lady... and cherish your love for my sake."

I begin to understand what happened. I totally lost all my superhuman strength. She sacrificed it not because she wanted things to end up this way, but it did because of Shizuo. She was a bad person, but she wasn't bad all the way through. She just wanted to be loved.

"Old lady," Claudia said, then chuckled painfully. "I honestly thought you'd die before me..."

"...But look who's dying now," she finished jokingly.

"You brat!" The old lady painfully chuckled back.

"Shizuo-san," Claudia says weakly, "... no matter what, never hurt (F/n) again."

Shizuo smilled. "You have my word."

Claudia slowly closed her eyes. "Thank you for showing me how wonderful a true love can be."

"Wait!" I exclaimed, figuring what I should say and that I have to say it before she dies. If possible, I don't want her to die. I still want her to redeem herself. "We have a doctor here! He can heal you! Can you wait a little longer?"

"What?" Shinra jolted. "I can't heal someone in that state anymore! I don't know how!"

She smiled and blood dropped from her mouth. "That's very kind of you, (F/n)... but I don't want to survive. Forget about the revenge, forget about hating lovers, forget about me... I just want to die."

I bit my lips. There's no way a person who's given up on living can still live. "Then, in exchange of everything you did, if you meet Chikara-san in the afterlife, can you tell him honestly how you feel about him?" I asked, suggesting a way where she can forgive herself and repent for everything. "I don't know the possibilities since I never died yet, but I don't want you to give up on your feelings. If you promise to do that, I will forgive you."

(Durarara!! - Shizuo x Reader) Your Target-Saviorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن