[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 2

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[Reader's POV]

"That's right. I didn't want this power to be given to me. I didn't want to be the one chosen," I told myself as I removed all my clothes and soaked myself in a tub filled with cold water. I felt a little shiver as I start to scrub myself. My mind is filled with my thoughts.

My name is Leena Prestn. I am a 24-year-old resident of the old Archen Hannes village. I am one of the few survivors and I am the one chosen to inherit the ancient strength given by nature to the legendary married couple, Aliyah and Alan Berserker, the first civilians of this village. That's what I know. That's all I was ever told about when I lost my memories. I lost the thought of everything about myself, but strangely, I know how to speak and how to observe people. I can do my everyday chores by myself. I must have just hit my head somewhere.

Ah, my cut hurts. As I further submerged into my bathtub, I could feel the water slowly seeping into my wound. I rubbed soap on my entire body and some homemade shampoo on my hair. The entire water was topped with bubbles; I couldn't see myself anymore. I normally just shower with a pail and a dipper, but when I do my job as a protector, I get really dirty that I have to soak myself in the tub to remove my filth.

"Bathtubs are so relaxing," I mumbled to myself as I closed my eyes. Indeed it is relaxing, if nothing hurts.

Thinking that I'm already clean, I got out of the tub and washed myself, removing all the soap and shampoo on my body. I threw my dirty clothes on my tub and started to wash them off after I wrapped a clean towel around my body and another one on my hair. As I finished scrubbing, I dried my clothes and hung them on the wire that connects from my bathroom to the outside. I just have to pull the wire, and my wet clothes move to the outside. That is this village's technology! I'm proud of it.

Taking off my towel and folding them for tomorrow, I started to put the old lady's cream on my face. It stung more than the soap water did, but the old lady's medicinal cream works wonders. When I put it on my fresh wound, the wound heals leaving no scar at all. But when I tried to put it on my elbow scar and on the burn scar on my side, it won't work. I don't recall where I got these sutures and burns. I don't remember at all. I will often ask Chikara-san, but he never tells me why. I'm awfully curious about it.

That's right! Where is Chikara-san right now? Is he still working in the underground basement? Did he lock it so no one will disturb him?

"He's going to grow old alone in his basement," I muttered as I sighed for Chikara-san. "But if it's not for him, where would I be right now?"

Correct! It's time to reflect and see what happened in the past, rather, what happened in my first memory.



"The sun's heat outside is terrible. It's a good thing that there are still cottages standing in this village," a man said.

"It has been 10 years; are these cottages still sturdy?" an old lady added and asked her question.

"It might be made from straws and wood, but this village's craft is the best," he answered proudly, "It's the most durable."

Where am I? I hear faint voices... My thought are like that. I couldn't open my eyes; I couldn't see anything. I can't move my body as well, but I know I'm conscious, just barely.

As I listened to them longer, I can feel my body moderately gaining strength, a bit faster to faster and to insanely fast. I suddenly felt a surge of power seething through my veins as though my blood is raging and my body is on fire! My visions were bloody orange and I can feel myself get sucked up in an endless vortex like I never felt before. My personality's being split the entire moment but it got stronger. A portion of my arm was throbbing and I was screaming insanely but I couldn't hear a thing from myself. My body is boiling, yet I don't perspire.

(Durarara!! - Shizuo x Reader) Your Target-Saviorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن