[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 2

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[Reader's POV]

The blonde and his friend left already.

After all, he's suspicious of me. Somehow, I felt like my cover was blown a little bit and I was found out, but that isn't everything the story has to offer.

I stretched my limbs out, sighing after yawning. Today's work was really stressful, and in addition to my routine job, I have to take care of some other missions 'especially' made for me. I hate thinking of that, but whatever! It's about money, anyway...

I sipped my coffee one last time before I picked my things up and decided to head out as well. I can't let Heiwajima Shizuo slip out of my sight!



It was dark... the night has finally fallen.

I snuck at the back of what appears to be an old apartment or building. Perhaps, that is what people would describe it from the outside. But the moment I got in, I was surprised at how wide and spacious the place is.

The panels that can be seen outside at the front of it looked like there are different rooms rented by different people, but in the inside, it's just one room. Actually, the place is more like a library with a living room table and couch at the middle. The lights were mostly off, but the computers are on, lighting a bit of the area.

I immediately hid behind the walls, bending down so that I won't be seen easily.

"Behind the first station of Ikebukuro," I heard a man say, "Yes, the one at the East, take it from there."

He went on and on, giving instructions to a certain person I don't see. More likely, a person that doesn't want to be seen. The man's probably involved in dirty jobs after all.

I shifted a bit to peek, tracking the direction of the voice with my ear. I looked around, not moving from my position, and back to the windows. When I squinted, I saw a figure of a man, slowly walking near the window, talking to someone through his phone.

"Uh-huh? ... You don't have much time," he continued, like he was having fun with the conversation. "Just do what you're being told..."

That's him! Orihara Izaya, my target of assassination tonight! If everything flows smoothly, I get the bounty tomorrow morning.

I pulled out my poison dart and put it inside the pipe. Careful not to get noticed, I raised my head a bit, just enough to find the right angle. When everything was set, I felt a shiver.

I looked through the pipe, and somehow, I can see him smirk even though his side was facing me.

"That's all the data you need. Get that and retreat..." He slowly folded his phone and laughed.

"Don't think you're good enough to kill me-"

I didn't want to hear what he has to say. I blew right into the pipe, and I cut him in the middle of his sentence.

Did I get him? Or no?

I raised my head a bit more and I was surprised when I saw that no one was there. He escaped?!

My eyes grew wide. That dart is as good as a gun-shot or an arrow. How can he...?

"Amateur!" He whispered sharply behind my ear. When – just when did he get behind me? "You're not good enough."

I was about to hit him when he caught my fist. I heard the sound of a blade-knife and I instantly shut my eyes. "Spare..." I mouthed. But then, I felt a sharp pang at the back of my neck, then everything went from blurry to black.

(Durarara!! - Shizuo x Reader) Your Target-SaviorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ