[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 5

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[Normal POV]

"Coming!" The underground doctor shouted as he rushed to the main door of his unit. When he opened the door, he was surprised to see his friend. "Shizuo?" he nearly exclaimed, then he looked at (F/n) confused.

"Um... sorry for intruding," she said awkwardly as she wore one of her most awkward smiles.

"Yeah! Few seconds," the doctor said, then he went inside to get some towel and give it to the two visitors. "Please get inside." The two went in and sat on the sofa. The doctor started to brew the tea.

"Thanks, Shinra! You're always helpful," the bartender suddenly said, not breaking a smile.

"No big deal," Shinra replied as he poured the tea in 2 cups and served it to the visitors, before making one on his own and sitting in a couch across them.

"The storm is a nuisance! I didn't know it would be this strong!" The blonde exclaimed, really annoyed.

"I didn't know, too ..." (F/n) said as she looked down into her tea, "Sorry..."

When (F/n) looked back straight, she was taken aback when she saw the underground doctor staring at her. "W-what is it...?" she accidentally stammered.

Shinra raised his hand on his chin and started rubbing it. "It's the first time I saw you..." he said, "Could you be... Shizuo's girlfrie-"

"N-no!" (F/n) cut him before Shizuo does. It would be more troublesome if that happened. But because she cut him, she choked.

"Ah! Are you okay?" he doctor inquired, panicking a little.

"Yeah," (F/n) retorted when the coughing sensation died. She looked at the blonde through the corner of her eye and was a little disappointed that he didn't care.

"She and I just met up in the outside, right before the wind started to blow," Shizuo explained, putting down his empty cup of tea.

"That's right!" I agreed panickingly. "We don't really know each other."

"But that's strange," the doctor muttered loudly, "This is the first time Shizuo brought a girl here. And on top of that, someone he didn't really know."

"It is, I guess..." (F/n) tried to laugh a bit, just to enlighten the mood, and to stop this underground doctor from building up suspicion on her.

"Thank you for letting us in, Dr. Kishitani," (F/n) said to him, showing him her genuine smile. She knew about him from the list of residents in the apartment she glimpsed on when they entered. (F/n) has fast eyes, but she only saw his name and unit number. She reached her hand to him. "Pleased to meet you. I'm (F/n) (L/n)."

"Pleased to meet you, too! Ms. (F/n)," He exclaimed as he enthusiastically took her hand and shook it. "It's a pleasure!" He grinned at her. Although surprised (F/n) knew him, he shrugged it off thinking that some of his clients might've told the girl about him. Shizuo was looking at them through the corner of his eyes.

"I heard that you are very talented, although... why did you choose to be an underground doctor?" She asked him out of the blue.

"I –uh..." He uttered, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. Then, a woman wearing pure black, covering her head with a catlike yellow helmet, came in.

"Ah! Celty!" Shinra exclaimed, running to her and giving her a tight hug, forgetting to reply to my question. "You're finally home! I was so worried!"

Celty pushed him a little and started typing on her PDA her reply. She showed it to him. (F/n) probably wondered: can't she talk? (F/n) was observing her and the way she looks. Celty seems really awesome...

(Durarara!! - Shizuo x Reader) Your Target-SaviorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora