[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

Celty quickly typed and showed it to everyone. "I will stop all the zombies here. The rest of you should go."

"If this takes any longer, we might not make it and (F/n) will die," the old lady reminded. "We leave the rest to you."

"Hurry!" Celty urged the three of them and they hasten towards the laboratory. She made sure that her substance won't hinder the paths of her friends.

As the three got separated from the fairy dullahan, the new zombies that appeared are much smarter, faster, and stronger than the old ones. They do not step on Celty's substance and their attacks are always surprising.

"I don't like to say this, but I really hate fighting," Shinra shakily said as he protected himself. "These zombies just bite people's heads off!"

Shizuo grabbed a thick tree and swung it dangerously over the enemies. "No time to complain!"

"Let me try something," the old lady quickly said as she mixed her capsule contents and turned them into a barrage volley in more powerful degree as she threw it on the air.

Shizuo and the other quickly finished the enemies and set foot at the entrance gate of the pharmaceutical laboratory. There are no enemies so far. The three of them are panting heavily form the nonstop action that night.


[Reader's POV]

Almost a week later, I was discharged from the hospital. Yuko-chan was the one who helped me get home. However, it's become awkward around her. Since we had a misunderstanding about Izaya-senpai, she wouldn't talk to me about unimportant things anymore.

After she walked me home, we didn't talk anymore. I see her at school all the time, but just like me, she is alone, yet she won't say a word to me. When I look at her, she averts her gaze all the time. When I try to approach her, she finds an excuse to get away. She is my best friend and my only true friend and I knew if from the depths of my heart... yet, I pushed her away.

It's all because of my useless infatuation towards Izaya-senpai. I'm obsessed and I know it is a bad thing, yet I don't lift a finger to change how things are. I've always been afraid that one day, I might lose Yuko-chan. Yuko-chan is the only person who never said anything bad against Izaya-senpai. She even doted my love for him. Grabbing her with an iron fist is my greatest mistake.

Although I apologized, I think I wasn't sincere enough. I was getting over my head and I prioritized senpai over my friend. I should've given her a pass to nudge Izaya-senpai since she's been a good person to me. She must've been battling herself so much so that she won't say anything about senpai that will upset me.

I'm so sick of all this deadpanning and cold attitude people give me! I decided that I'm going to talk to Yuko-chan. That's why, right now on my vacant hour, I will see Yuko-chan in her favorite place, the school garden.

I sneakily went to the garden and saw Yuko-chan reading her notes while sitting on the bench chair. Her face looks just fine, but she doesn't look like she's still having fun. I composed myself by taking deep breaths and for the first time in my life, my heart raced in nervousness even though I'm just going to talk to my best friend.

"Yuko-chan," I called on to her as I slipped out of the wall I'm hiding in. I waved my hand at her and smiled casually as I approached her.

Yuko-chan, upon seeing me, hurriedly kept her notes and prepared to leave. She stood up, ready to go.

"Wait, Yuko-chan! There is something I wanted to tell you," I begged as I stopped her, getting in front of her wherever she goes. It's like we're playing a defending game in an awkward way.

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