[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

Everything should be done smoothly. There is no room for failure.


[Normal POV]

Quickly changing her clothes, wearing a hood, and slamming the main door, the woman vacate the premises, leaving the unconscious man and her unconscious body behind. Before she left, she looked around the place, making sure that no one is tailing her. She didn't find the information broker and assumed that he completely left them.

The woman climbed the structures and jumped from one roof to another in sound speed. When she reached the city, it caused a fuss with the people.

"What was that?" said one who is greeted by strong air coming from one direction. She caught a glimpse of something that jumped over the roofs, but she just rubbed her eyes and ignored it.

Those people carrying light items such as paper, had them scattered on the ground when the Berserker passed. They chased the papers to the direction of the wind.

The news spread among the common areas. Some curious citizens attempted to take a video and a picture, but failed to get the thing on their camera. It was so fast and sneaky that putting it on news is pointless without any passable reference.

When there are no more obstacles, Leena ran like a wild animal all the way back to Archen Hannes village. The village was almost empty, due to some citizens who refused to remain in the village that is not supposed to be their owned land. Some villagers are already in their homes, lights out, and sleeping.

The woman rushed all the way to the chemistry pharmaceutical laboratory where her loved one was buried. No one ever noticed her appearance and no one knows that she is already there.

Leena sauntered to the tomb and placed her hand over the picture of her man. She spoke softly, "The reason why I couldn't give you a long life is because my first spell was unstable," she revealed another fact. "It is one reason why you had to make haste to develop the most successful Berserker and save your life. But you screwed up so badly."

She was expressionless. The look in her eyes were dark. After she talked, she turned her back from the tomb and took off her hood. She opened the witch book she always had with her. Finding a tool to write on the ground, she started scribbling various symbols and legends. She tirelessly wrote it all over the place. She even set traps for the intruders.

She thinks that if Shizuo and his friends were smart enough, they could locate her in a matter of hours. She has to make haste, yet not commit any mistake that will lead her greatest and last sorcery to failure. If the blonde interferes again, he will wake up (F/n) and that will be Leena's end.


Back to his apartment, the black hair man sauntered and slumped on his computer chair. Thinking that his help for (F/n) is more than enough and that he won't get anything from her aside from the information she offered, helping her further is pointless.

The woman who always share space with him was sitting on the chair beside the stairs, drinking coffee while reading her Mims book of medicine. "Done helping the woman?" she asked without bothering to look at Izaya nor close her book. "I thought you'll be home later."

The man sighed. "I had to leave before things become dramatic," he said as he slouched on his chair even more and steal a glimpse of Namie upside down as he dropped his head behind the back rest of his chair. "I've never seen Shizu-chan so meek before."

"Does that make you happy?" she asked nonchalantly, still not looking and just flipping the pages. "It's another side of humanity you always loved."

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