[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 31

Start from the beginning

"Sir, would you mind to lend us a few minutes for an interview?" the interviewer courteously asked despite the camera man telling him not to because the man is way suspicious.

The man slowly lifted his chin and smirked. It sent shivers down their spine. Before the two men can run, the man grabbed them and showed his face to the camera.

"Listen, code name: Leena Prestn. Come, show yourself and finish what we have left!" he said it and his message was broadcasted all over Ikebukuro, even at Shinra's house. After his announcement, he crashed the camera. Ikebukuro was left in horror. The new waves of zombies have arrived as well.


"Leena Prestn? Isn't that the name of the festival winner?" one of the gang men asked.

"So this is all her fault! I knew it; she was a bad news!" another blindly concluded.

"No... I think it is safe to assume that all strong people have some kind of background," a third person intervened. Regardless, the issue about Leena being at fault was not settled. The only good thing is that they don't know of her whereabouts nor did they bother to remember her face after the victor of the festival was unjustly concluded.


Kadota and his team were fighting alongside with Chikage and the Toramaru at one corner of the city. "So it's Leena-chi he wants, huh? Yumacchi, hup!" Karisawa thought loudly as she helped Yumasaki carry the oil. She threw the last one to him.

"Not a bad taste for an old grumpy dude!" Yumasaki retorted as he caught the last oil can and emptied it in a straight line.

Chikage got behind Kadota to watch his back. "Poor lady. The other gangs must be raiding her house now. I mean, who would've imagined such a pretty lady to have a horde of zombies chasing her tail?"

Kadota replied, "It's amazing your gang isn't ganging on her."

"Oh. I know they know I let pretty ladies pass."

"Such a playboy as ever."

"You bet."


(F/n) decided to cover herself up with the old clothes she had when she came to Ikebukuro. She covered her face so that along with her last fight against Chikara, the identity of Leena Prestn will forever be gone. The citizens will not blame nor haunt her.

(F/n) and the others shortly arrived at the location. As her friends protected the people and fight the zombies along, (F/n) faced her enemy.

"This method of yours is as nasty as ever, involving innocent people in our dramatic reunion," (F/n) told Chikara while she cracks her knuckles and her neck for warm up. With her body cover, she is confident that she won't be discovered. What hurts are the frightened gazes of people towards her as well. (F/n) ignores them and decides to just taunt the man. "Did you miss me this much? I think even your zombies do."

"Enough of your nonsense!" Chikara exclaimed as he jumped at her. (F/n) was surprised with his inhuman speed and by reflex, she have kicked him to a location where there are no people that can witness and become casualties to their fight. (F/n) immediately jumped to where she kicked the man. Her kick is even stronger than before.

The man got up with a scrape on his mouth. He wipes the blood away. "You are supposed to be dead by now. How...?" he said, then gasped. "No! By the time you attacked me, you should've already been dying!"

(F/n) huffed. "So it was your dirty plan after all! You dispose people that can harm you in the long run, while you keep those who can't harm you for a better purpose! That is just who you are! Diabolical!" She clicked her tongue while she looks down at him.

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