[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 17

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Four days ago, Malana and I went back home, exhausted from the outdoor school camping. We had lots of fun, especially Malana. It is like we celebrated a family day. I hope my nephew is being a good uncle to Aaron.

As we exited the train station, Malana was prancing happily. "I wish the school will make another trip. I wanna be with Aaron next time!"

"I'm sure they would. Better request it to them so that you two will be together next year," I told her with a genuine smile as I touched her shoulder, telling her not to be too excited and stumble on the way home. I don't want to imagine Malana crying home with a scraped knee afterwards.

She flashed me her cute closed eyes smile as she began sauntering towards home.

"We're back," I called out loudly so that Chikara can hear us even if he's on the basement. Malana got inside the house first, then I followed.

Chikara, as expected, took some time to get out from the basement and greet us. "Oh, you're back," he said to us while ruffling Malana's hair. "Did you have fun?"

"Yes, I did!" She exclaimed enthusiastically. "We did stargazing, bonfire, and so many fun stuff," the explained, raising her arms up to show just how much she had fun.

When the little princess noticed that something is off, she asked, "Uncle Chikara, where is Aaron? Is he home?"

"...He's not home," Chikara replied. "He went to the neighbor's house to play."

Oh right! I have to come and thank Kimura-san for taking care of Aaron! I sat down on the nearest chair to rest my tired back. We got home a little later than we expected. We should rest first, then later, we will fetch Aaron.

"Aww... I was hoping he'd come and welcome me, too," Malana said, pouting, "Here I go, missing him while I was gone. Then, when we return, he's not here?"

Chikara laughed softly but awkwardly. "I told him to play outside anyway, so don't get mad at him, okay?"

As if convinced, Malana agreed. "...Okay... since you said it."

Shortly after welcoming us, Chikara locked himself in the basement again. He said that he had some work to take care of, but he'll be back up to cook for dinner.

Hours have quickly passed and there isn't a single sign of Aaron returning at all. Malana and I went to Kimura-san's house to fetch Aaron.

I knocked on the door. "Kimura-san this is me, Mirae-chan."

She opened the door for me and greeted us with a smile. "Oh, Mirae-chan, Malana-chan. You're home safely. Did you enjoy?"

"Yes, very much." Malana seems very excited to tell her, but I told her that it's going to be dark soon so she should just tell Kimura-san some other day. "I came here to thank you for watching over Aaron."

"Oh, that's just a small thing. Being my good friend's grandchild, Aaron is like my grandchild, too," she replied in a very light and friendly manner. "He's such an obedient child."

I tried to peek a little in the inside without entering the house and asked, "Is Aaron in here? I came here to fetch him. Malana here misses him already."

She began to fidget a little. "... Aaron is not here. He never went to see me today."

"Is that so?" I asked, touching my chin between my fingers whike making a worried look on my face. Malana noticed it and hugged me.

"What's the matter?" the worried neighbor inquired.

"Well, Chikara said he'd be here..."

Kimura-san gasped. "Oh no! Could it be?!"

(Durarara!! - Shizuo x Reader) Your Target-SaviorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ