Chapter 9

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Aniya's POV

(Alarm goes off)
Ugh It's Monday!!!

I had fun this weekend tho.
(Phone Rings)

Jaz: Good Morning Beautiful!

Aniya: Hey Bae!

Jaz: I'm about to get in the shower and get dressed then I'm on my way to you.

Aniya: Ok I'm about to do the same so call me when you get in the car.

Jaz: Ok cool.

Aniya: Ok

Ok time to get up. Now what to wear?

(Click link to see Aniya's outfit)

Ok outfit ready time to get in the shower.

Jaz's POV

What am I going to wear today?

(Click link to see Jaz's outfit)

Shower time!

Aniya's POV

Damn its crazy, that shower didn't feel right without Jaz in it with me. The thought of it made me feel some type of way. Anyway time to get dressed.

(Phone Rings)

Jaz: Im in the car.

Aniya: Ok text when u outside.

Jaz: Ok.

Ok got enough time to grab some breakfast.

"Morning Mama," I said.

"Morning Punkin," she said.

She didnt know how much I hated that name. Ugh!

"Smells good, what you cooking?" I said.

"Turkey bacon, eggs, and toast." She said.

(Phone buzzes)

Text from Jaz: I'm outside...

Aniya: K

"I'm going to make a breakfast sandwich my ride is outside." I said.

"Ok go get your stuff and I'll pack it up for you." She said.

I went and grabbed my bookbag and purse put on some lip gloss and walked back to the kitchen.

"Here Baby, I made two for you and your friend." She said.

"Awww thanks mom, see you later." I said.

"Have a good day Punkin." She said as I left out.

As I walked out my building Jaz got out to meet me.

"Hey Bae!" I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"Hey Beautiful!" She said as she grabbed my bookbag and then walked to open the passenger door.

I loved when she did that it made me feel so special. I got in and she walked around to her side, got in and started the car.

"Here Bae my mom made you a breakfast sandwich." I said as i handed her the sandwich.

"Aww that was nice, tell her I said thanks." She said.

"Come here." I said to her.

"Whats up??" She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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