Start from the beginning

“It hurts.  It really hurts” I moaned.  I turned round and buried my face in his chest.  He kissed my hair.

“Carlisle” he shouted.

Carlisle was there in a 64th of a second.  He had his little black medical bag with him as well.  He had heard our conversation already and had a worried look on his face.  That wasn’t good.  It was a mirror image of my husband’s face.

“What will we do?” Edward questioned.

“I’m thinking” Carlisle answered.

Edward started thinking too, so I joined them also.  If we could just undo it all.  We wouldn’t even be here if we could undo it.  Hitting it again could work.  Redoing it to undo it.  Suddenly, I was extremely confident in that idea.

“What if we do it again?” I asked.

“What?” Carlisle asked.

“Like, repeat what happens.  Like hit me in the face again with the ball” I explained.

“What good would that do?  Wouldn’t it just put you in more pain?” Edward questioned.

“Well, I thought it would be redo to undo.  Like on a computer.  If you accidently undo something that you didn’t want to be undone, you can redo it to undo it if you know what I mean” I answered.  That didn’t make any sense to me, and by the look on Edward’s face, he didn’t get it either.

“I understand” Carlisle vocalised.  “Undo to redo.  Very smart.  It’s like in the hospital.  Say someone broke their wrist and we fixed it.  If the bone set wrong we would re-break it to fix it.  Redo to undo the mistake.”

Edward understood now.

“Are you sure though Bella?  Like Edward said, it could cause you more pain” Carlisle informed me.

“I think it will work.  If it works on bones then it should work here” I answered.  As I said this, I got a stabbing pain in my face.  I had frowned, or smiled or something in between and it was sore.

“Are you sure?” Edward asked me.

“Yes.  I think I am.  Time me.  I could hear you the last time.  I could hear what everyone was.  Let me know how long I’m not awake.” Without waiting for a reply from anyone, I strode out.  I marched out the front door into the field where Alice, Jasper, Huilen, Senna, Zafrina and Kachiri were still standing.  Without a word I picked up the ball and handed it to Jasper.

“Are we playing again?” he asked.

“No.  Throw the ball at my face.  As hard as you can.  The same place as I was hit before” I instructed him.

“But Bella.  I’m not sure.  I don’t want to hurt you” he stammered.

I sighed.  “Just do it.  I won’t be mad if you do hurt me.  It will be my fault, anyway.  So don’t worry.”

He stepped forward and stood in line with me about 20ft away.  I turned my head to the angle it was the last time to make it easier for him.  He threw the ball and I squeezed my eyes shut.

This time it was much more painful.  I might have screamed out but everything was black before I could find out.  I knew I had stumbled backwards but I wasn’t sure if someone had caught me. I didn’t care.  The pain was so much.

“One minute” Edward noted.

I suffered with the blackness more this time.  It was much more painful than the last time.  I wanted to scream out, but I couldn’t do anything, just like last time.  I wasn’t even breathing.  I could if I wanted to, but it was too painful to breathe.

“Two minutes.  Bella, come on honey” Edward pleaded.

I was trying.  So hard.  But the pain wouldn’t let me.  I was in complete agony.  I took a deep breath like the last time but it wasn’t working.  I was calm, but it wasn’t working.

“3 minutes” Edward informed.

Suddenly the pain stopped.  It wasn’t even gradually getting less painful like the venom.  It was just a sudden stop.  No warning.  I was glad.  I sighed with relief.  I opened my eyes and jumped to my feet.  I saw everyone kneeling around where I had been half a second ago.

I touched my face again and again.  Nothing.  No pain.  Back to its usual self.  I grinned to myself.

“Are you ok?” Jasper asked worriedly. “I didn’t throw it to hard did I?”

“I’m great.  You threw it perfectly Jasper” I put him out of his misery.

I skipped over to him and gave him a gentle hug.  “Thank you” I whispered in his ear.

“Oh.  Ok. Anytime” he sighed in relief.

“Do you want to go in?  I think the kids are waking up” Senna stated.  It was the first time I had heard her speak, and she sounded a lot like Zafrina.  Like the Romanians, Vladimir and Stefan, humans could mistake these voices for just the one.  But we knew it was two.

“Sure” I replied, taking Edward’s hand.

We walked in the front door and sat on the grey sofa, waiting for the kids to appear.

Rising Sun - A Twilight Saga SequelWhere stories live. Discover now