Taehyung looks at him for a few seconds, meanwhile we wait for what he has to say, eyes glued to him. It's the first time I see him mad. And I have to admit, it's frightening.

"You fainted, Jimin." Taehyung says.

His eyes were full of rage. And the flames go wild as he repeats:

"You fainted."

Jimin and Taehyung look at each other, as if they were talking telepathically. The connection they have amazes me and terrifies me at the same time, because it seems so strong that it can reach higher than the human limits. Their stares are so deep that they might dig in a rock and I suddenly understand there's so much more to this conflict. It isn't about the fact that Jimin hasn't eaten anything today. It's about the fact that he usually doesn't.

Eventually, Jimin sits up wearily and takes the pills with a sip of water.

However, Taehyung doesn't help him anymore.

Part 2

Not long after that, the boys carry Jimin to his room so he can rest in his bed. I still haven't said a word since we arrived and I feel so out of my place. Moreover, he fact that neither Taehyung nor Hobi have spoken to me makes me feel invisible.

It doesn't take them too long to return in the living room and I feel it's time to leave. For the first time since we arrived, Taehyung looks at me. And smiles. Unlike the rage that his eyes were drowning in just a few minutes ago, I find that beautiful spark now and I feel somehow relived.

"It's a huge relief you were there, Yuna." He says and Hobi looks at him as if he was thinking whether he should agree or not.

I nod my head silently, not being able to say anything in return.

"Taehyung's right." My brother suddenly says. "I would've gotten there a lot later if you hadn't called me. It could've been so much worse for him if you hadn't been there."

I look at him and I know that's exactly what he thinks. But I also know that this isn't all of it. It's good that you were there, he thinks. But why were you there in the first place?

And considering by the fact that he saw me, his little sister who also has a boyfriend, hugging to despair his close friend, I know that the answer I have for that question isn't the one he's going to believe.

"That's true." Taehyung says and lowers his gaze. "I'm sorry."

I look at him and for the first time this evening, I dare to speak.

"Don't apologize for things that are not your fault." I say calmly. "More than that, don't apologize for things that are nobody's fault."

He looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn't.

"Has he fallen asleep?" I silently ask, with a spark of fear in my voice as I'm afraid my brother might shut me out.

"Most probably, yeah." Taehyung says.

"I'm going to say my goodbyes." I say, stepping towards his room. "I'll be right back."

I enter Jimin's room before any of them has the chance to stop me. I close the door behind me, careful to be as noiseless as possible. I'm welcomed by the sight of a small room, with white walls and basic furniture. It wasn't enough dark outside yet, so the room was flooded with the dim light of the evening sky, coming through the large windows.

However, there's one thing that I can't help but be surprised about. This room is so tidy. I don't know why, but I always imagine boys' rooms as a mess of t-shirts and other diverse belongings they'd have. But this is not the case. Everything simply stays at its place.

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