51 ~ To be Selfless or Selfish

Start from the beginning

I can smell her scent though Crowley. She's still in there. "Zara... Zara?" She doesn't answer.

Urgently, I barged in. My eyes scoured the small room in search for Zara. What I saw melted my heart. Zara was laying on the bed sound asleep. Her slim figure barely even had an impact on the mattress. She looked astonishing, even her the small amount of darkness under her eyes could distract you from her beauty.

"How did I even let you go?" I whispered quietly to myself.

Slowly and gently I moved towards the bed. Zara was next to the edge, laying on her side, it was as if she expected me to come into her room. I slid onto the bed and shuffled towards her reaching my arm around her waist. Everything was finally as it should be.

Nestling my head in closer I was engulfed in the indulging scent of her hair, a beautiful concoction of fruit and flowers. I couldn't help myself to lay there a little longer until I eventually fell asleep.


~ Zara's POV

"Zara wake up!" My body was being violently shaken by someone familiar.

"What are you doing? Stop." I exclaimed, groggily.

"We don't have time Zara we have to get up! They're coming!" That's was all it took, as if a switch went off my eyes flicked open and I abruptly sat up.

"Where are they?"

"Heading towards the west side of the border." It was only now that I had realised that the voice belonged to Dean, who was on my bed? Under my covers?

"Dean. Why are you in my bed?"

"I missed you." I looked down to my waist.

"Why is your arm wrapped around me?"

"I couldn't help myself." He shrugged his shoulders in an adorable way.

"We have to go." I went to stand up but my waist was pulled back down. "Dean."

"Stay." He mumbled planted various kisses on my neck.

"Dean... we-we can't do this." He was getting closer and closer to where he should mark me and it was driving me crazy. "Dean! Stop- hmm." I jumped away at the speed over light, slapping my hand over my mouth as I did.

Dean was in hysterics. "Did you just? Did I just? You just?" He managed to spit out between laughs.

I picked up a pillow and threw it at his face to shut him up. "Shut up! We have to go down stairs and help! There is a war that's about to start, we don't have time for this!"

"Aw you're cute when you're embarrassed. Also my brothers are downstairs helping so don't worry."

"Your brothers? How long was I out?"

"About a day, I left and came back a couple of times."

"What? Why didn't you wake me?"

"I couldn't wake my adorable, sleeping mate." His snickered.

I headed over to my closet and throw some clothes on my bed, as well as getting out my combat boots and launching them at Dean. "Ouch! Why did you do that?"

"Get out."


"Get out!"

"Make me." He stuck out his tongue.

"Urg, you're such a child."

"Yep." He replied in a smart tone.

"Aren't you worried? We could all die today and here you're doing this."

"The way that I see it is if I die today I won't ever be able to be with my mate ever again. If that happens I want my last moment with you to be special." I was speechless.

"Dean I- that's so sweet." As much as I wanted to spend all the time in the world with Dean, I couldn't. "But we can't. Please get out of my room so I can get changed."

"Urg, fine!" He got up and slammed the door behind him. I felt a sting in my heart because I knew he was mad at me, but I couldn't risk the fate of our world just because he wanted to spend time with me. It would be selfish of me.

I quickly put on my sports leggings and a tank top, then roughly shoved on my boots before running down the stairs. When I had reached the bottom the hallway was filled with a stream of people. "What on Earth?"

"Zara! Zara! Come here!" My head snapped in the direction of the voice. It was Kaelynn. I shoved my way through the crowd and eventually made it to her.

"What's going on? Why are there so many people?"

"It's a war Zara! All the packs are here, now come on we have to go to the safe house." She stated in a formal tone.

"What? We can't just hide Kaelynn."

"Yes we can, it's what we are supposed to do."

"Kaelynn I'm sorry but no." I didn't want to be in this battle but I had to. All my life I've run away, not anymore.

"What do you mean no! What are you saying?" There was anger laced with her words.

"Kaelynn I'm not going with you." I tried to explain sympathetically.

"Yes you are! Stop being difficult!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the stairs, it was pointless though. I wasn't moving an inch. "Zara, please!" Her eyes were now filling with tears.

"I can't. You know I can't. This is what I was supposed to do." Tears pricked my arms and I began to pry Kaelynn's hand off my arm. "Kaelynn, I don't think I'm coming back. I didn't have time to get my affairs in order. I need you to do something for me." I bent closer in and whispered in her ear.

"I will." She replied her face practically drowning in tears. I began to slip off into the crowd but turned around to say one last thing.

"Don't forget me, old friend." With that I was gone, heading towards the battle.


Yay! Another chapter! Sorry this one is late, my schedule has been really out of whack this week😂. However, don't worry because this week you will get another update.

I really quickly want to say something. I've been writing this book for a while now and the longer this book has been going the more supportive people I have met. All you wattpadders who read this book are truly amazing! You all mean the world to me because without you all I would have given up on writing a long time ago. I can't believe that this book has 30k reads! It's insane! This book was just supposed to be something in my spare time but I've become so attached and I owe it all to you. I love the fact that I can make something that other people enjoy as much as I do.

Now I would like to do a shout out to two people how have been so kind to me and really made my day! They are emilybillingham and violetta_rosie they are amazing people, so please, please go follow them!

As well as this, all those readers out there who are also writers violetta_rosie is doing a book contest, so if you want the chance to prove yourself as a writer why not give it a go? You never know you might just win it!😁😁

It's called The Dragon Awards 2018, so search it up or go to her account for more info.

That's all from me for today, so thanks so much for reading until the end! Until next time...
Friday 31 August 2018

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