Currently, me and august are changing the sheets on my bed. We still sleep in different rooms, I'm afraid my father will walk in and catch us. I sat down on the Versace covers and laid my head on the headboard, staring at august who sat in my bay window watching the movers bring in my father's new furniture in.

I look at my finger with august name on it with a smile. I slid on my mother's ring on my finger to cover the tattoo, that I drunkly got one night. I miss her very much.

"Aug, don't you ever get tired of being here." He looked at me with a frown. "Hell no. I get to spend every moment with the girl I love." He said biting into an apple. "I love you too". We smiled and started at each other for a while, until there was a knock on the door.

"Come in". Avery walked in with a Niked out down to the socls, for a elderly white guy he was pretty hip.

"Did you forget about our rematch G?" That was what the workers called me, it was short for gangster. I laughed and rose from the bed. "No I wouldn't miss it for the world". I grabbed my bowling shoes and left the room with august trailing behind. When we got to the mini bowling alley in our basement, Avery was setting the stations up. Every Sunday me and Avery have a bowling match, sometimes we could be down here all day.

I pulled up my hair in a bun and picked up my ball.

"You know I'm about to win right?" Avery spoke before making a strike on the first bowl. I squinted my eyes and shook my head

"Like hell you are".

(three hours later)


He won again. I handed Avery his $20. "Aahhhhh, I'm just getting richer." He picked up his jacket from his sweat suit and ended the game. "Best luck next time G". He slings his jacket over his shoulder and whistles out the door. I looked over at august who was sleep on the leather couch. I smacked him on the ass causing him to shoot up and reach for his gun.

"Man wtf."

"Come on." I said as I wiped my eyes from laughing. He got up and followed behind with a mad look. once we got back to our room August sat back in the window and lit a blunt, watching the movers move in the furniture my father ordered.

These men were suspicious but I always brush it off, if my dad trusts them I keep them in eye sight. His judgment had weakened over the years.

"Damn I'm tired." August said with a yawn. "You haven't even done anything all day." I said putting my shoes back in the closet. "Yes huh, I followed yo ass up and down this big ass house all day." He said Wythe the blunt between his lips. "Ooohhh hush it wasn't that bad."

I went in to my bathroom to take a shower and came back and threw on my under garments and a huge T-shirt. "Sya, come here." I went to the window where Aug was sitting. "This black van has been circling around the block for two days, and they don't look like the security vans neither."

"Maybe its the movers van" I looked closely while putting my wet hair in a messy top knot. I sat on August lap and looked where he was pointing and he was right. The movers were using gray vans and all the security trucks that circle our house are unmarked with three windows. This one has a sun roof.

I dialed my dad's number from August's phone.

"Wassup Lil nigga?"

"Daddy its me Sya. There's this black truck that keeps rolling around the block, and it looks suspicious."

"You sure it ain't security?"

"I'm positive, our vans don't have sun roofs"

"okay I'm putting Otis up on it now". He hung up and I pulled august from the window sitting him on my bed. Seconds later bars from the ceiling glided down the window. the giant gates lock together.

"Wth?" August asked. "The house is on lock down until further notice." I answered while getting under the covers. The house intercom came on.

"All employees head to your rooms. Lock all doors, in-house security get into position, it seems we have unwanted guest" August went to the room door and locked all three locks and put in the passcode for the door to airlock shut. My dad is really overprotective. I called the rooms of all the servants and made sure everyone was in their rooms safely since I'm in charge of them. Avery was most important, he was my best friend. He called and said he's safe with my dad.

I hung up the phone and saw August putting on his bullet proof vest. He pulled his gun from his hip and held it. He stood in front of the window, pacing. "I hope everything's okay." I said to myself.

August came and sat on the edge of the bed and kissed me. I giggled as he rubbed his nose against mine. He kissed me some more and the sound thud hit my window broke us apart. We froze and looked at each other. Two more came at the window and I looked at the window to see bullets fly at the bullet proof glass. I got up from my bed and pulled on some joggers and a pair of tennis shoes from my closet.

I reached under my bed for my gun and glanced out the window to see the people from the truck come out. From the window they looked like ants, but I could make out what they looked like. They were those movers!

I looked harder and it was him. But how?

I threw on a my vest, putting a second guns in my holster. "You know them?"August asked coming up from behind me. I nodded my head feeling a chill run down my spine. A man stood on the outside of the gate with a megaphone.

He began to speak. "Ru'Sya Santana... It's best if you just come with us. You know who I am, you know why I'm here. If you don't come out I have men on the roof waiting to saw those precious bars on your windows and kill every mufucka in there with you. now do we have a deal? I'll give you 10 minutes to decided. Don't keep me waiting little devil it's freezing outside."

I held my gun to the celing hearing the sound of feet walking above me. August stood there confused holding his gun to the window. The door chimed and in walked my father and Avery giving me a look. I nodded my head knowing what it meant. My father came and hugged me with a kiss to my forehead.

August looked at me like I had two heads, I walked up to him and hugged him, kissing his chest so my father wouldn't see. My father, Avery, and I knew this would come. We had been planning for years for something like this. I always had a feeling he wasn't dead and it looks like my instinct was right.

I nodded to my father again letting him know I was ready. He pushed a button on his phone and his team started firing. I ran out the double wide doors, many of his men were dropping like flies.

I could hear august screaming my name as I walked down the marble steps. "Looks like little devil knows how to follow directions. Take all that shit off." I quickly dropped my gun and pulled off my vest causing me to lose all my weapons. He held his gun up to me and Froze.

"Don't shoot! I'll let you take just don't-"

I gasped out in pain, once in the chest, twice in the knee. I fell on the black top paved drive way, hitting my head causing me to black out. This part was not apart of the plan.


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