"Jamar." I called out.

He lifted his head and took off his hood. My heart stopped when I saw that it wasn't Jamar. "Wassup baby, you miss me?" He asked with an evil grin. I didn't say anything I just stared at Ace as he stared back at me. He reached behind him and pulled a gun out and pointed it at me. 

"Please, don't do this." I said lowly.

"I told you I would find you." He said coldly.








I jumped out of my sleep and felt all over me for a gun shot wound. My breathing was harsh and I tried to get it under control.

After I calmed myself, I tried to lay down and go back to sleep, but it just wouldn't happen. I sat up and put my back against the wall. I turned on the TV to try and clear my mind but that didn't work, my mind was still on the nightmare that I just had.

"Cree, what are you doin'?" I looked at Terrance and said nothing. "Cree what's wrong?" He asked propping himself up on his elbows. I looked at him as tears began to fill my eyes. "Whats wrong sis?" He asked getting up from the floor.

He sat on the bed next to me and held me. I let my head fall on his shoulders as I cried silently. "He got me Terrance, Ace got me." I cried into his shoulder. He held me and I cried some more. "He's going to get me Terrance, he's going to kill me." I cried.

"No he's not and I'ma make sure he won't." He said.

Terrance POV

Its been a couple of hours but I finally got Cree to go back to sleep. I on the other hand got up and went to take my mom to the Airport with Aunt Annette.

"Why didn't Cree come?" My mom asked.

"She had a rough night, a bad dream woke her up, and I finally got her to go to sleep." I said.

"Okay well I gotta go, give Cree my love and take care of her Terrance, I'm serious." She said after giving me a hug.

"I will Ma." I said.

"Alright Annette thank you again." She said hugging her.

"You're welcome sis." She said back.

We waved to her one more time before she disappeared into the crowd of people going in and coming out of the airport. Me and Aunt Annette climbed back in her silver Envoy and took off. The skies were still gray from the rain last night and it looked like it was going to rain again.

"Does it rain all the time here?" I asked.

"Not really." She said and I nodded my head. "So what are you ging to do while you are out here, where are you gonna stay?" She asked bluntly.

"Um, I-I was planning on finding an apartment while I was out here, probably get a job." I stuttered. It seems like when ever I have a conversation with aunt Annette I'm talking to a drill Sargent.

"Okay, well there are some really nice apartments that are affordable here in Lithonia." She said looking at the road.

I furrowed at my eyebrows at her comment. It isn't what she said, it was how she said what she said. "Money isn't a problem." I said, and it wasn't, while I was locked up I still had money coming in. "I was actually going to find something in Atlanta." I shot back.

"Okay that's fine." She said.

The rest of the way to the house was silent.


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