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It's all in Ashton's POV :)


How could I have been so stupid? Luke needed me. He needed me with him. He needed to know I was there.

And I needed him.


I needed to know he was okay. I needed to know he wasn't going to leave me.

I couldn't grasp the fact that he wanted to die. He wanted this to happen.

I cried all the way home.

Thinking if he died, I'd die along with him. I'd have nothing else to live for. Well that's a lie, I had my siblings, my family. But they could only make me smile for so long ya know? Luke was different. Sure I had a great life and I didn't have to deal with bullies as often as he did, but I was depressed.

I knew how he felt.

I knew how his brain was working.

I knew why he did it.

As soon as I got home I got the call.

"Mr. Irwin?"

"Uh, yeah. Speaking."

"Mr. Hemmings has lost consciousness again. We're working on him to seek the problem. No need to worry, we will find out what's wrong and call you as soon as we do."

"Alright. Thank you." I was really too tired to go back to the hospital. I hadn't slept more than an hour at a time in two weeks. Mikayla hung up and I ran my hands through my hair.

I shouldn't have left.

I slumped down on my bed, unlocking my phone and went through my pictures. It was all Luke and I taking selfies in the hospital just because we were together. He was okay for a minute. I attempted to blink back the tears welling in my eyes. I gave up and let them fall.

I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling, just letting the water run from my eyes.

I can't lose Luke.

Luke can't lose me.

I'm his escape from his awful reality. Like a dream. I'm his dream. I'm his everything.

He can't lose me.

I rolled out of bed. Trudging downstairs with just my boxers on, I made myself some toast.

I knew everything about the situation. I knew why Luke did it.

I decided to start keeping a journal, as Luke would probably be in the hospital for quite a while. I took an ordinary notebook from my bookshelf and grabbed a pen from the coffee table.

Opening the notebook, I wrote everything I was thinking...

55 Days // My Sweet Escape SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now