Book 2- Chapter 2 (Finale)

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Peppa woke up. She looked around the room and got up. She woke up earlier than usual; getting at least 1-2 hours of sleep. But, she had to make a plan.

So, this goes there, and that goes here... She thought, drawing on some non-existent paper. The plan is ready.

She quickly got ready for school, and took the school bus which didn't exist up until this moment. She finally reached the school.

She got off of the bus, looking around for Suzy. She then realized that she had already killed her, and entered the school. She sat down at her table, the non-existent paper in her hands.

"Madam Gazelle?" Peppa snorted. "Can I Please use the bathroom?"

"OOooOoOoOoF CcOoUrSe PpPpepPa!" She responded, pointing towards the bathroom.

Peppa got up, clenching the non-existent paper in her hand. She ran off to the bathroom.

"Alright..." Peppa said to herself, closing the bathroom door.

She set the paper down on the floor and teleported home to grab her lucky knife. She soon teleported back, the knife in her hands. She picked up the paper, studied it for a while, and it dissolved.

She swallowed the knife, and walked back to her seat. She sat down and looked for her first victim. Danny—who seemed to be the closest to Suzy—was going to die last. She wanted to see him suffer.

She narrowed her eyes. She was looking at Rebecca. I'm gonna kill her first. I just feel like it.

She walked over to Rebecca, and stabbed her. No one noticed or cared, of course. She then did this to the rest of her classmates, except Danny.

She then killed Madam Gazelle. She sauntered over to Danny, who didn't see her coming, even though she was right in front of him.

"Hey, Danny."

"Oh, hey, Peppa! Didn't see you there!"

Peppa looked at him with a bored expression. "Okay, enough of this."

She clenched Danny's arm and teleported to the top of the Empire State Building.

"Ha ha ha... I'm so evil." She snorted becoming bored. She quickly picked Danny up with her hulk strength and threw him off the skyscraper.

"Oh, okay!" Were his final words, as he plummeted to his death.

After a while, there was a loud thud. Must've been Danny.

She looked down. Welp.

•Days later•

She looked at her family. They were floating around together, bumping into a wall. She was sitting on the couch watching "Le Overgrown Potato Show". All of a sudden, the show was interrupted.

"Your show will be interrupted by this thing. Blah blah blah." The news reporter spoke, obviously not too fond of his job. "Anyways, there have been deaths at... this school named... Madam Gazelle's School for 2-5 Year Olds? What an... interesting name. Well, it seems that all except one of the children have died, including the only teacher. The school will be shut down, seeing that the only teacher that worked there is, well, dead."

"Yay...!" Peppa snorted, bored out of her mind. She had no one else to kill, and she was getting bored.

George floated over to her.

"Looks like we don't have school anymore!" He snorted happily.

Wait a second... Peppa thought, looking over at George. If all of the children in Madam Gazelle's school have died, and George in that school, why is he sti—

George then evaporated, as well as the rest of the characters still alive in this story. Peppa then evaporated, followed by the story itself. All of them never to be seen again.

•The End•

I hope you enjoyed reading my story! What did you think of it? I would like any feedback you have! Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed "The Ballet of Peppa Pig and Suzy Shed".

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