Chapter 9

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Peppa and Suzy walked inside with the rest of their classmates, and sat down next to each other. The teacher immediately started to teach as soon as all of the students were seated.

"Blah blah blah" the teacher said annoyingly.

"Peppa," Suzy whispered, "do you want to have a play date today?"

"SURE! BUT IT HAS TO BE AT YOUR HOUSE!" Peppa screamed at the top of her lungs. She wanted to make sure that Suzy heard what she had said.

"Ok, Peppa! We can have a play date at my house!" Suzy replied.  She didn't seem the least bit bothered that Peppa had just screamed and the whole class was staring at the two friends.

After school, Peppa and Suzy walked to Suzy's house together. Well, actually, Peppa teleported there and made Suzy walk, but it's the same thing.

"Let's go to my room, Peppa..." Suzy huffed. She was exhausted from walking home.

"Ok." Peppa replied. She liked Suzy's room. She liked it even more now, because she had so many pets to eat...

Suzy opened the door to her room, and the two were greeted by 3 dogs, 4 cats, 2 bears, 10 goldfish, 1 monkey, and 1 tiger. Suzy had a lot of pets that would all someday be consumed by Peppa.

"Hello, pets of Suzy the Sheep!" Peppa spoke. She honestly had no clue what she was doing.

"Ok, Peppa. I'm going to take a quick nap. You can j-ju..." Suzy tried to say, but fell asleep in the middle of her sentence.

Peppa carried Suzy to her bed, and started to plot. Which animal should I eat first...

Peppa made up her mind. She would eat all of Suzy's goldfish first. Peppa made sure that Suzy was fast asleep, and then went over to Suzy's fish tank.

"Any last words before I eat you?" Peppa asked the fish.

The fish didn't respond.

"That's what I thought..." Peppa concluded as she picked up the first fish.

One by one she picked up fish and then swallowed them whole. She finished the whole bowl of goldfish in under 5 minutes.

The monkey is next...

Peppa teleported downstairs to Suzy's kitchen to grab a knife.  Once Peppa had a knife, she teleported back to her friend's room.

"Come here, little monkey!" Peppa said in a maniac-like tone.

The monkey tried to get away from Peppa, but Peppa's powers were too strong. She pulled the monkey close to her using her psychic powers, and stabbed it to death.

"Sorry, little monkey..." Peppa started. "But Suzy is mine and only mine."

The Ballad of Peppa Pig and Suzy ShedWhere stories live. Discover now