Chapter 7

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While Peppa was sleeping, the rest of her family came home from... wherever they were. They were stuck together again, so they decided to float over to the couch and watch Mr. Potato. But, of course, George wanted to get Mr. Dinosaur first.

George pulled himself away from the gravitational field around his parents, and then sprinted upstairs to get Mr. Dinosaur. He kicked the door in, and ran to his bed.

George looked at his bed. "Dinosaur?" George questioned. Mr. Dinosaur wasn't on his bed.

"DINOSAUR?!" George mewled. He was about to burst into tears.

A few seconds later, George started bawling. He screamed, and cried. Daddy Pig and Mommy Pig floated upstairs to see what was wrong.

"What's wrong, George?" Both parents said in sync.

"D-d-dinosaur..." George bawled. He couldn't stop crying. All he wanted was Mr. Dinosaur.

"Don't cry, George!" Both parents said in sync, once again. "We'll help you look for Mr. Dinosaur."

Daddy Pig and Mommy Pig picked George up, and floated downstairs to look for him. Peppa was still asleep. Of course she had slept through George's tantrum.

I'm currently debating on whether is should rename this story to "Peppa Pig: The Maniac" or just leave the title as it is.

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