Chapter 3

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Peppa didn't care about that huge hole in her wall. Her parents would pay to fix it.

"But what are you doing here?" Peppa asked, fairly confused.

"Oh.. ummm... Peppa..." Suzy said nervously.

"Yeah, Suzy?" Peppa replied.

"I... uhh.... l..." Suzy mumbled.

Peppa couldn't believe what was happening. Was Suzy really going to say that she loved her?

"I.. umm... left my pet the last time I came here and wanted to get it back." Suzy concluded, clearly embarrassed.

"Oh..." Peppa said quickly. "I... haven't seen your pet around."

"Oh. That's okay. I'll find him eventually..." Suzy sniffled. "See ya tomorrow."

Suzy jumped out of the huge hole in Peppa's room.

Thank goodness... Peppa thought. If Suzy found out that I ate her pet, she would be devastated...

The Ballad of Peppa Pig and Suzy ShedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat