Full Custody (Human!AU)

236 7 6

I adore this prompt. I don't even know how to fit all these scenes in but I'll try.
        (The Diamonds take Steven in.)

Though she had helped him pack his duffel, Pearle was a sobbing mess by the time he stood at the door. Amie was only barely holding her back (lest she lunge forward and smother him with another bone-crushing hug and a round of kisses) as he took Blanca's hand.

        Blanca had come personally to pick him up and take him to his new home in Highrise. Upon his queries she had insisted Yevtsye was stuck at home, dealing with all the legal papers she herself had found too boring to sort through.

        From her post behind Pearle, Ganet smiled down at him reassuringly. "It is time you bond more completely with your grandparents. You will take care of Blue and Yellow, won't you?" She quirked an eyebrow mischievously.

        Steven laughed, trying to hide the anxiety bubbling up inside him. "Of course! We're coming back to visit next weekend, aren't we, Blanca?"

        Her sapphire gaze was soft when she glanced down. "Of course. We wouldn't dream of keeping you away too long."

        "We love you, Steven!" Pearle wailed over Amie's head. "I'll miss you!"

        "I'll miss you all too!" He surged in for one final group hug, feeling three sets of arms wrap around him. And then another hand on his shoulder. He looked up at Blanca.

       "It's time we go. Come on. Yellow will be thrilled to see you."


Steven stole down the corridor, taking care to stay away from the floorboards near the walls — those that creaked. He had never been particularly afraid of the dark, but tonight, it seemed, was an exception.

        He could see an faint, warm light flickering from behind the open door ahead. Something creaked behind him along the hall and, hair standing on end, he slipped through and into the safety of his grandparents' room.

        Yevtsye was frowning at him from her bed, newspaper in her hands. Beside her, Blanca smiled sleepily from her prone position.

        "It looks like you were right."

        "Of course I was." Yevtsye shook her head. "I could hear his footsteps from a mile away."

        The sharp crashing sound of thunder echoed through the house and Steven yelped, sprinting the last steps to the bed and diving in.

        When he resurfaced, Yevtsye had returned her attention to her newspaper, disapproval etched into her features.

        "Is this what you young people do nowadays? Make a habit of barging into people's bedrooms?" she quipped. "We could have been busy."

        Blanca held the sheets up and Steven climbed under them. "Doing what?"

        "Reading the newspaper!" she said indignantly, rolling it up.

        Blanca chuckled and was promptly rewarded with a smack from said newspaper.

        "Honestly," Yevtsye sighed, turning to set her reading glasses on the dresser. "Who encourages such behaviour? Those housewives, I suppose."

        Steven felt struck. "My . . . My family?"

        Yevtsye laughed scornfully. "And what a fine job they've done of raising my grandson. It's a miracle you're unscathed for the dangers they put you in."

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