My Diamond: Part II (Pink Diamond)

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Pink Diamond tried to hide her frustration as she sat on her throne.

        She had tried everything in her power to make sure that her own armed forces would fail in their mission to fell Rose Quartz's army. She had chosen the most ineffective site for the Beta Kindergarten, feigning haste and desperation, sure that at least most of the Quartzes would come out defective — and in that case, she could persuade them as Rose Quartz to escape the tyrannical clutches of Homeworld and to join her in protecting the Earth as their new home.

        Instead, despite her best efforts, the detestable location of the Beta Kindergarten had resulted in the perfect Quartz — a Quartz whom, that very day, had collectively poofed and shattered almost eighty rebelling Gems. A Quartz who had severely handicapped the Crystal Gem alliance, and one that she now had to smile at and congratulate.

        "My Diamond."

        She lifted her eyes to the door, where her Pearl stood, saluting. Pink Diamond frowned, and the salute was hurriedly dropped.

        A silence fell.

        Pearl hung her head.

        "I'm sorry."

        "It's alright," Pink replied. She sighed. "You've— you've always been a Pearl. It's not your fault. I just . . . Wish we could be equals. We are as the—" She stopped herself. Anyone could be listening. ". . . You know.

        "Yes." Noticing the flashing panel beside the door, she hurriedly gathered herself. "Jasper 2FG has arrived for your audience."

        With effort, Pink Diamond straightened in her seat and plastered a smile on her face. "Then please, send her in."

        The high pink door slid open, and there stood a huge, solid, orange Quartz. Despite her intimidating stance, Pink Diamond could clearly see the anxiety etched into her features.

        She smiled. "Jasper."

        The Ruby by the Quartz's side stepped back, and the Jasper nervously entered, saluting as the door slid shut behind her.

        "Please, you don't have to do that."

        The Jasper stiffened, confusion washing over her face. "But, my Diamond— I . . . I'm showing you my respect."

        Pink forced a laugh. "Respect? Your respect for what? For sitting here and looking pretty?"

        The Jasper didn't move — she seemed rooted to the spot. She lowered her eyes. "F-For . . . For creating me, my Diamond."

        The bitterness in her chest eased a little. She supposed that was appropriate. This Gem had just as much right to live she did — and she was formidable. Perhaps she could bring her to her side. Rose Quartz's side.

        Pink Diamond smiled weakly. "I heard that your first battle was a major success."

        The Quartz brightened. "Yes . . . Yes, my Diamond! The moment I emerged I . . . I ran straight into the fight. I thought of you, and the other Diamonds, and of how much you still had to do. I fought for Homeworld, my Diamond. I fought for you."

        And just like that, her heart had gone cold again. For Homeworld, indeed. For the killing of life on all inhabited planets.

        Her smile was strained and fake. "Thank you, Jasper. How noble."

        With a slight grating sound, the enormous door slid open again to reveal a small, slender figure. Yellow Diamond's Pearl.

        "My Clarity, Yellow Diamond is here to see you. Her Luminescence has urgent matters to attend to so she would appreciate if you could commence an audience at once."

        Pink Diamond almost sighed in relief — she couldn't hold up this warm façade much longer. She leant forward and took Jasper's hand in her own. "I, and all of Homeworld, I'm sure, appreciate your strength and bravery. You will make a very positive contribution to our forces. We may yet stop this rebellion."

        Eyes wide, Jasper cautiously withdrew her hand and gave her a wooden salute. "Thank you, My Diamond. I'll— I'll try my best."

        And with that, Yellow Pearl escorted the looming Quartz out of the room. Once left alone, Pink heaved a great sigh and slumped back in her seat. She hoped that this Jasper wouldn't be of too great a hinderance to the Crystal Gems.

        At the sound of loud bootsteps echoing down the hall, she sat up and smoothed her clothes. She was always being berated by the older Diamonds, and was determined not to give Yellow a reason to snap upon her arrival.

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