"Okay. I will wait till they arrive. But it seems we have some time on our hands. Would you mind phoning Mr. Dalton and telling him Hennessy is here."

"I do not want to bother him, Vodka, was it?" The secretary said, and Hennessy saw red. She has had her fair share of people making fun of her name but someone in a professional environment shouldn't get to do so.

"Okay listen here you little-"

"Hennessy!" She heard someone's voice shout, and she turned around to see Alexander walking up to her quickly as he surveyed what was happening.

"Hi. That chick tried to throw me out. Fucking bitch." She muttered as he held onto her waist, and she wanted to lean into the touch but she knew it would be inappropriate.

"What?" Alexander said as he walked them to the elevators. He got notified that there was a 'commotion' going on in the lobby and he figured he should check it out. But little did he realize it would be Hennessy causing that.

"Nothing. But that secretary of yours is a little rude. She called me 'Vodka'! How rude is that! Little bitch." Hennessy muttered, crossing her arms.

"That is over the line, but the reason she is still here is because of her stubbornness." The elevator doors dinged open and both of them walked in. Alexander hit the number 40 for his floor and leaned against the wall of the elevator.

"Do you mind telling me what this surprise visit is for?"

"Yeah, I just was you know, doing a little cyber stalking and saw that you were a fucking CEO! Of, and I quote, 'the highest profiting and fastest growing company in centuries' and fuck you better believe that I lost it. A multi-billionaire, really? And you didn't mind to tell me? 150 million followers?" Hennessy finished her rant and the elevator doors slid open. Alexander grabbed her by the wrist and led her past the receptionist two big doors and straight to the giant wooden doors that she assumed led to his office.

"Go inside. I will be right there." He said, opening the door for her. She took in the huge office, it was bigger than her whole apartment. She sat down in front of the intimidating huge wood desk, her eyes flicking to the huge window behind it. Crossing her legs she was more nervous than she should've been.

All the sudden the doors slammed open from behind her and Hennessy didn't dare to look back. She heard the sound of shoes tapping on the marble flooring before they stopped.

"Hennessy." She looked up when Alexander addressed her, he was now situated behind the desk in a plush huge office chair.

"Yes Mr. Dalton."

"Why did you call me that." He asked, thrown by the professionalism, and was missing the sarcastic Hennessy. 

"It just seems that this has turned very professional very quick."

"Oh Hennessy, you don't know what my professional side is. Anyway, I have a few things to discuss with you. One, you will not curse profusely as you do. Two, you will disclose your past employment with me." He said, writing the things down in a notepad.

"Um, that's it? Okay. And just to say, I also came here to apologize."  

"For what?"

"Falling asleep yesterday, I inconvenienced you by not being ready yesterday and I'm sorry." She said quietly, and Alexander leaned in.

"What?" He breathed out as he was still leaning close to her.

"I'm sorry for-"

"No I know what you said. But why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong, you needed to rest." Alexander cut her off, she apologized too much, he wanted to know why. He wanted to figure her out like a puzzle. 

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