Chapter 1

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Hello again my dear students its time for the first chapter of this book i'm pretty excited so without further ado welcome to chapter one

Athena's POV
I was taking a stroll through the streets of vale at around midnight looking for a dust shop. There is no one around and i'm extremely bored. I was about to round a corner but I saw a guy dressed in black fly through a window and land on the ground right beside me.

I looked at the man and then where he came from seeing the dust shop i was looking for. " OOOHH that's where it was." I said stepping over the unconscious man to walk to the store.

I went into the store to see more men that looked like the one outside and a man wearing a fancy suit and bowler hat the owner and a girl in a red cloak all looking at me like i'm crazy. I picked up a large fire dust crystal and walked to the counter and slapped down 50 lien on it.

The Man with a bowler hat i'll just call him Fancy for now pointed his cane at me " Drop the crystal shorty." Fancy said to me and I looked at him and I got pissed.
" WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!" I shouted at him.
" I called you Shor-" he couldn't finish his sentence as I sent a aura infused punch to his face and he flew out the building taking the window and wall with him outside to the street. The girl with the cloak and the men in black went outside and were fighting each other after Red thats what i'll call her were fighting out on the street.

Red beat all the thugs and Fancy was calling reinforcements and they showed up about five seconds later. there were three bullheads full of white fang soldiers and Red looked scared. I walked straight passed her and grabbed my sheath from its holder on my side and got in my quick draw stance.
" Wait it's to dangerous come ba-" I activated my semblance and everything almost came to a complete stop.

I unsheathed my katana and started running through the mob of white fang and ran back beside red and put my sword back in its sheath deactivating my semblance.
"-ck. wait what?" all the white fang members fell down dead cut in half or their throat slit. red stood shocked with her mouth open and i walked by her patting her cheek " Don't sweat the the small stuff sweet cheeks, I'll buy you something nice when we get home." I said walking over to the ladder Fancy went up while Red followed behind me silently.

Up on the roof Red and I confronted Fancy " Hold it right there Fancy." I said and he turned to face us. " Red, Shorty so nice of you to stop by." He said so I ran up to him and broke his arms and threw him into the bullhead behind him sending it far away. " Crap." I said under my breath as Glynda showed up looking pissed. " Big Sis I know it looks like my fault but actually it wasn't my fault."

Like magic we ended up in a random interrogation room. I wasn't paying attention until Big Sis slapped my hand with her riding crop. " FUCK WH-"
she slapped my head and I fell on the ground holding my head and rolling around and I hit something.

I looked up and saw Ozpin smiling down at me. ' Uncle Oz I missed you." I said koala hugging his back. All he did was pat my head and then started talking to Red who is named Ruby. I stopped paying attention again and the next thing i know i'm in a bullhead going to beacon.

I walked up to Ruby and said hello. " Rubes who's this why does she look so familiar." i turned my head a little to see a blond bombshell that looked almost exactly like me. I gasped and tackle hugged her and started crying. " I finally found you." I said loud enough for the three of us to hear. " what do you mean." she asked me hugging me to her as well. So I told her how our mother abandoned me and told me to find my half sister


we all got off the ship while I was with Yang and Ruby already acting like we'd been sisters forever. I stopped paying attention again and found myself with Ruby in a crater and two beautiful ladies looking at me with blushes on their pretty faces

I'll leave it here for now cause I'm really tired I'll update when I update and helpful advice is appreciated see ya

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