Ch. 25: Fateful Encounters

Start from the beginning

My eyes snap open and I sit straight up, breathing heavy. I look around the dark room. I'm back in the Omega Cabin, just waking up. Feeling flustered, I shove the covers off of myself and swing my legs over the side of the bed. What kind of dream was that? It felt too realistic to have been a normal dream.

Getting up, I open the curtains to let in a flood of sunlight. I sniff the air and freeze. I swear I can smell a hint of Alex in here. Did he visit me while I was asleep or am I just imagining this too? I shake my head.

Noct? I inquire.

Yes, Nico? Noct asks, sounding drowsy.

What the heck was that?

It's the effects of the method that we're using. It causes your body to become more connected to the dream world on a spiritual level. I guess if that lady was searching for you from there, then this gave her the perfect opportunity to reach you. Noct explains.

But who is she? Why can't I remember her?

I'm not sure.

I throw my pillow to the ground in frustration. This is all so confusing. Why did I have to have that sort of dream? I make my way to the door when a shooting pain courses through my leg. My legs give way and I crumple to the floor. Ouch. I attempt to stand but the pain persists, spreading everywhere. I gasp at the agonizing sensation, rolling onto my back, breathless. What's going on?

I'm sorry, Nico. Noct says, I may have forgotten to mention that this method will leave you in extreme pain afterward. It may speed up the healing process, but there are consequences for that. We're going to have to continue this way for the next couple of weeks, maybe even a month or so.

"Noct, there's..." I take a shaky breath over the pain, "no way."

I believe in you, Nico! Noct growls, You can do this. Push past the pain!

"Easier...said than... done," I push off of the floor and stand up on shaky legs. There's no way I can let Dom see me in this shape, he'll freak out.

I stagger out of my room and to the kitchen. It's only 6 am, so no one is up yet. I grab an apple, a granola bar, and a bottle of water to shove into my backpack. I bite off the string of curses that are dying to exit my mouth. My head is swimming and I'm sweating profusely. I stuff my feet into boots and carefully put on my coat. Shouldering my backpack, I step outside into the brisk morning air.


The walk into the woods is excruciating. Every step sends a wave of electricity through me, leaving me breathless. I don't stop until I'm a little way in. The snow is piled high around me, about three to four feet. I set my backpack down beside me and I lay down in the freezing white powder. My body still quakes from whatever Noct put me through, but the cold, numbing effect of the snow helps to ease the feeling.

I'm not sure how long I lay there as the day passes over me quietly, but I know I eventually drift off. If I didn't have rapid healing I'd have frozen to death by now. Something tickles my face, leaving wet spots after it fades. I open my eyes wearily to see thousands upon thousands of white flakes swirling down from the sky. The sky is a charcoal gray that makes it seem later than it really is. Everything is silent, not a sound is made, making it seem as though the world is one big snowglobe.

I better be heading back now, Dom will start worrying about me soon-- if he hasn't already. The pain in my body has settled into a dull throb as I shoulder my backpack and set off toward the camp. Chilling winds whip past my ears and sting my cheeks. My nose is running but there's nothing I can do about it right now.

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