Jaxon and Heather

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Heather's pov*

"Mr. Collins will see you now Ms. Ellis."

"Thank you Cara." I smiled at Jaxon's secretary. Then went to his office. "You wanted to see me?" We've been friends for a while, about three years. Even work in the same office building.

Jaxon stood to his six-three height and crossed to the door. "Cara, that will be it for the day. Have a great weekend." He shut the door after hearing her reply. I was still standing by his desk. "What are your plans for the weekend?"

"Well I plan on having fun. You know me. Laundry, errands, cleaning. What about you?" I sit on his desk.

"I'm going to Vegas. Wanna come?"

"I can't afford that right now. You know that Nate left me with all the bills. But have fun with Ashley."

"Ashley is history. Tickets are bought, hotel is paid for. You don't need a cent. Next excuse."

"What time are you picking me up?"

"Six o'clock."


He looked at his watch. "In half an hour."

"No fucking way! Jaxon! It takes longer than that to get to my apartment!"

"Come on squirt! I have your bag in my trunk. So lets go. Thank me later." He grabbed my hand and drug me out of his office, locking it behind us.

"So what is this about Ashley?" I asked as we drove to the airport.

"She planned this trip. Then proceeded to fuck my brother and his girlfriend.....in my house. So I informed her that I was taking you on the trip she planned and had me pay for. So lets hear it. Say 'thank you Jaxon! You sexy as fuck genius!"

"Thank you Jaxon! You sexy as fuck friend of a genius!" We laughed as he turned into the airport. "So how did you get my bag from my apartment? You don't have a key to it."

"Thanks for reminding me." He fished my keys out of his pocket. "I stole your keys this morning."

"Why am I not surprised?"

We parked and entered the airport. "I wouldn't have to steal them when I wanted something if you'd just give me a spare."

"Its not as if I have a key to your place." We showed our licenses to get our boarding passes. He handed me a keyring with three keys and a remote, on it. "What's this?"

"Keys to my house. Front door, back door, and garage. Complete with garage door opener. You already know the code for the alarm."

"You are looking very smug with yourself."

"I am. Now you have no excuses."

I handed him a key to my apartment. "I have had this for you for a while. All you had to do was ask."

"Yes well I've been under different illusions. And you had Nate. Then there was Ashley. Now the time is right." His phone rang as we were about to go through security. He ignored it.

"Who is trying so hard to talk to you?" His phone has rang four more times.

"Devon was first. Ashley was second. I haven't checked on the rest."

He handed me his phone. It rang with Ashley's name. I answered it. "Hello?" I said in a saccharine sweet/sluty voice.

"Let me guess, Heather?"

"No! This is Mindy. Who are you? Who is Heather?"

"Ashley, Jaxon's girlfriend. What are you doing with his phone?" I could tell that she was getting pissed. Which made me laugh.

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