Chapter 10😥🤘🏽🤗

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*One week later *
I was on the way to the hospital to get August. I got a call last night saying he finally woke up out his coma.

After I left he slipped into a short coma but they said everything is fine now.

I grabbed my bag with all his stuff in it and got out the car. I've been trying to get Royalty back but it was a long list of shit I gotta get.

I flew to Cali with Bre to find Jasmine but her and my twins wasn't there.

Today is the only day I've got up and did some productive. I checked in and went to his floor.

I knocked. "Come in." I heard him say.

I smiled and walked in to see some hoe up here with him. "Really August another bitch." She looked tooken back by it.

"Who you calling a bitch?" She asked.

"Mane y'all chill with that shit. Amare this my sister May, May this is Amare."

"Sister?" "Yeah if you wasn't so quick to pop off you'd know." I rolled my eyes. "Where's Royalty?" He asked me.

"They took her." "Who?"

"CPS." He looked angry. "Why?" I looked at his sister. "I'mma just step outside." She walked out and I sat on his hospital bed.

"They said she wasn't safe with me and she had cuts, bruises, and burns from when they took her and she said her biological father touched on her."

He got up. "The nigga we got locked up?"

I nodded. "She said daddy touched her no no spots." He got up out the bed. "How do we get her back?"

I dug in the bag and gave him the list. "Let's go." He said.

"You gotta change." "Why?" I laughed. "Come here." He walked over to me and I hugged him and grabbed his ass cheeks from the back of his gown.

"You bullshitting." He said backing up.

I laughed hard as fuck. "Lift your arms up." I told him. I took off his gown for him exposing everything to me honey.

I looked down at his friend and so many nasty thoughts filled my mind.

I heard him laugh. "Not right now ma we gotta get our baby back." I sighed. "Promise?" He licked his lips.

"Yeah baby daddy gotcha." I smiled and grabbed his clothes helping him put em on.
We went to the bank. He was trying to get some money off his card because they said Royalty must have her own room.

"What's wrong?"

"This junky ass machine keep saying my account empty."

I shook my head. He called Jasmine. "Bitch what you mean you withdraw my money." I heard him say. "I don't give a fuck about no cruise yo ass better put my shit back in the bank for you be homeless."

He hung the phone up and threw his head back. "I still got a bunch of money saved from stripping we can use that."

"Nah that's yo college funds. We still got the million dollars we can use that and this weekend we going to Cali after we get Royalty back."

"Why?" "To get the twins."

"About that Jasmine helped them kidnap Royalty." He looked at me. "Come again." "When I asked Royalty who hurt her she said Omari, my mama, and Ms. Jasmine."

"Say less. When we go to Cali pretend like ain't shit happened and you don't know nothing. We gone stay there for a few days and move from there." I just nodded.
We was at the house doing Royalty's room cause the people are coming tomorrow.

!!!!Side Bitch!!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora