Chapter 9😭🤦🏽🖤

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*2 months later*
"Amare?" She been in bed since she had the twins. She's had a few setbacks and was back in the hospital.

I been taking care of the twins well Jr cause Ameria still in the hospital but hopefully she come home soon. We still haven't found Royalty and that shit has been eating Amare up alive.

I've been staying strong for her but a nigga can't lie I've sat in the shower crying about my baby girl.

"Yes?" She appeared in the doorway with a tight fitted dress on with a jean jacket and some gold sandals. "Where you going?" I asked her.

"Job hunting. I can officially start back working."

"Are you good?" "Yeah why?"

"You've been crying for 2 months straight now you just up and ready." "Oh well can't dwell on the past forever." I was so confused.

"Kiss my babies for me." "Amare sit down."

"Why?" "I got some news about Royalty." "Royalty?" "Our daughter?" "I don't have a daughter name Royalty." "Yes you do."

"No I don't August."

"Stop acting slow Amare. Royalty is your daughter." "Ohhh you talking about the lil girl I used to babysit that went missing um I think the family should stop searching."

What the fuck is she talking about? I went along with it.

"Why?" "It's been 2 months she's dead by now." "Don't say that Mare."

"Just being honest. Now excuse me I have an interview at a hair salon."

Amare P.O.V
I was walking when he snatched me up. "August what the fuck is yo problem?"

"Nah what is yo problem. Royalty is alive." "No the fuck she is not August it has been 2 months she's gone just accept it damn."

He pushed me against a wall and just stared at me with an angry expression.

I just stared. His expression softened before he broke down. I held him as we slid down to the floor. He just held me not knowing what to do.

Of course I didn't forget who my baby was but it was better to pretend like I did.

It hurts to much and the police gave up looking. I issued a police alert anyways and they still haven't found her shit hurts thinking that my baby might be dead.

I just held him as he cried. "It's okay baby." I rubbed his back.

I've had dreams of Amarrion lately crazy part is Ameria has also been popping up. He has been keeping her alive this long but she's ready.

"I miss her so fucking much Mare." This was the first time I've seen him cry and it made me feel like crying just watching him.

We sat there for a few minutes. "August?"

"Hm?" "I think it's time to pull the plug on Ameria." He lifted up. 

"You just wanna kill all our kids huh?" "Listen August she's tired of fighting." "How the fuck would you know?"

"I've spoke to her August. She's tired. We are being selfish keeping her hooked up to machines I don't wanna kill my baby but that's what's best rather you like it or not."

He just shook his head. "I can't."

"August do you love them?" "With all my heart." He said. He sat on the arm of the couch I got up.

"Listen we gotta let them go. You only know you love someone once you let them go. These 2 months have been filled with pain that no mother wants to deal with but baby when it's time it's time."

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