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Chapter 23:

  I was running and I saw a couple of police cars heading to the phone store.

'What in the...?' I wondered as my phone rings and I answered it.

"(Name)-chan." Ritsu called.

"Ritsu, what's the issue?" You asked.

"Our classmates have found out the culprit, but they need you right now." Ritsu informed you and you nodded.

"Okay. Tell the others that I'm on my way." You said and Ritsu nodded and hang up as I ran where the others are.


You started to grow tired as someone called you.

"(Name)-chan!" You look up and saw Kayano runs toward you.

"Hey Kayano, sorry I'm late to help you guys." You said while panting from all the running.

"It's alright, everything's okay now that you're here." She said and you nodded.

"So, what's the problem by the way?" You asked as Kayano told you everything and your eyes widen a bit. "I knew it wasn't Koro-sensei's doings." You stated as you and Kayano went to the others and they greeted you."Hey everyone." As you greet them as you pointed at someone."Hey. Is that Itona?" You asked.

"Yeah, but it's cool now. He's okay now." Kayano said and you nodded.

"Okay..." You said as you started to yawn."Uhh guys, I need to go now cause it's getting late." You said.

"Okay (Name)-chan. See you tomorrow." Nagisa said and you smile a bit and left.


As you went in the classroom, you saw some of your classmates are here and the girls are arguing with Okajima and you don't know what as you head to your seat.


You got ticked off as Koro-sensei gave you a code name and it makes you want to kill him now.

'Why the hell does he gave me that-?!' You snapped your head as your code name was called.

"Filipina Princess he's headed to you now." Kataoka called out and you sighed as you saw a shadow came and you shoot it three time but you missed.

"Great... I missed." You hissed and chased after him.


After PE was done, some of your classmates sulked in the tables because of their so-called code names and you just sighed heavily.....

Assassination Classroom x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora