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Guys I'm back from my family trip to Cebu City and thank you for being so patient....


Chapter 19:

  It was time to back to school and as usual, your classmates were trying to kill Koro-sensei and you just sit down and watch cause you're upset that your father was coming here and you have to make sure that none of your classmates and your teachers knows it.

"Hey (Name), are you okay? You kinda spaced out." You blinked and notice kayano looking at you with concern then you nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just that... It's good to be back here in E Class of course." You said with a slight smile."And heck my DAD is coming here too." You thought as class started.


It was PE time and you were paired up with Nagisa which you agreed and started training.

"(Name), you need to focus!" Nagisa called you and you nodded and continue training.

"Sorry nagisa-kun, I'm just a little nervous when I'm going against you though." You said.

"Is it about how I defeated Takaoka in Okinawa?" He asked and you shrugged.

"Something like that, yes." You answered him and he nodded.

"Don't worry (Name), it's just training only, not a real fight." He said to you and you nodded in agreement.

"You have a point there Nagisa. Okay let's do this!" You cheered and began fighting for the last minute.

"That's enough. You're all finished. Class dismissed" Karasuma called out to all of you and stopped training and you sigh in relief and headed back to the bathroom and changed your uniform. After 3 minutes of changing, your phone ringed and checked then you sweat drop. It was a message from Koro-sensei.

To (Name)(Last Name),

Be prepared for a quiz tomorrow about Chinese History and I do hope you can kill me.


You sighed and walk down the mountain as someone called you out.

"(Name)-chan." You cringed and sighed.

"Yes... Karma?" You asked as he walk up to you.

"You got a text message from Koro-sensei?" He asked and you sighed.

"Yeah. What about it?" You said and he smirk slightly.

"That I'm going to beat you in the quiz." He said with cockiness and you sighed.

"Try me." You said as you walk back to your house, and after a 20 minutes walk, you put your keys out and unlock the door and you entered and headed to the library and study for the quiz tomorrow.

"This is getting really intense now. I hope I can calm down about my dad. Just focus on the quiz tomorrow and that's it!" You thought and started to study.....  

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