"We need at least fifty thousand laser rifles, ten thousand infantry tactical armor, and five hundred high powered suits." She easily listed, remembering everything Reyes told her to say. Her memory was perfect when armor or guns were involved.

Freddie narrowed his eyes.

"This is a pretty big order. The situation on Capsuli V must be worse than anticipated if..."

"It is. " She interrupted him. "And that's why I want to talk with Mr. Heinberg, in person."

Freddie seemed uncomfortable.

"But as you well know, lady Katrina, Mr. Heinberg never meets the clients. I can handle this deal in his stead. I'm sure we can solve the situation...to our mutual satisfaction." He winked at her again, finally crossing her bottom line.

"I don't mean to offend you, Freddie." Dia answered, and there was no trace of her flirty persona. She sounded haughty and spoiled like a real queen. "But I have no intention to waste time with the dog when I can talk with the master."

"Lady Katrina..." Freddie stiffened, his nostrils flaring. He didn't seem the kind of guy who got insulted often. Especially by a woman.

"Twice the market price." She said and Freddie opened her eyes wide. "That's what we are willing to offer. Provided that I talk directly with Mr. Heinberg, of course. We need more than one shipment, after all."

Freddie observed her for a very long minute before nodding stiffly.

"Very well, lady Katrina. If you give me a minute, I can..."

Dia waved her hand like she was giving him permission to leave. "Please, go ahead. Call your master."

Freddie gave her a fake smile, but it was a bit forced. Only when he left, she started breathing again.

"Your acting was over the top and you went a bit too far...but good job." Omen whispered.

"Acting?" She shook her head. "I wasn't acting. I was just keeping that creep at bay" She crinkled her nose as she looked at Freddies' retreating back. "Are you sure he is an arms dealer? He looks more like a pimp."

However, Omen didn't answer her question. He just stared at Freddie, an indecipherable look on his face.

"What is it?" Dia asked, her tone a bit anxious.

Omen shook his head, "Nothing. It's just that...he was a bit too obvious."

Dia rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I know. That's why I said he is a creep." 

"Probably I'm overthinking." He said, but he still looked too serious for her tastes. "We'll talk later. He is coming back."
When Freddie came back, the smile on his face was brighter, and way creepier. It made her uncomfortable.

"I'm glad to say that Mr. Heinberg agreed to your request, lady Katrina. However..."He said eyeing Omen and the mercs behind her.

Dia followed his gaze and frowned.


"However, he'll meet just one person. You, lady Katrina." He specified.

Yeah? Well, no way in hell, pal.

"I don't think I can agree with this." She said, showing her best smile, her hand reaching for the gun in the purse when she realized she didn't have one. A pity.

"I promise you will be well taken care of, lady Katrina." He said, again checking on her body like she was a piece of meat. "Besides, Mr. Heinberg is a businessman. He didn't get where he is playing tricks to his clients. It's bad for business."

Dia hesitated. "There is no other way..."

"There isn't." Freddie cut her out, a slimy smile on his face. "Mr. Heinberg will meet only you, lady Katrina. That's not negotiable."

Her instinct was screaming to say no, but she knew that her time was limited.

And if I fail...

She didn't even want to think about it. The Umbra didn't seem the kind of guy to make idle threats. Still, she didn't like this. She looked back at Omen, looking for suggestions, but he was like a slab of granite, completely expressionless.

"And when will we meet?" Freddie smiled and Dia hastened to add, "I'm asking just in case, I still want to think about it."

That creepy smile faltered a bit. 

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, lady Katrina. This offer is time-limited."

"How time-limited?"

"Mr. Heinberg wants to meet you right now, lady Katrina."

Dia stopped breathing.


Freddie nodded, looking at her very carefully.

"A vehicle is ready to bring you to him, and then bring you back after the deal is concluded."

"This is quite...sudden."

"Your offer was too good to refuse." He explained. "Besides, Mr. Heinberg is leaving town tomorrow."

"Leaving town?" She whispered. "Why?" She said out loud.

Freddie looked pained, "We have found some issues in one of our factories." And hastened to add, "Nothing serious, I assure you. It won't affect production."

"And...when will he be back?"
"Maybe next month. I can't say for sure. As you undoubtedly noticed, the weather is a big problem on the planet. The temperatures are extremely low, and the snowstorms can be lethal."

She didn't have a month. Hell, now she didn't even have a week.

"It could take a lot of time, is that what're you trying to say?"

Jackson looked apologetic, "Unfortunately, yes. That's why this has to be done tonight. Besides, you can't wait, can you?"

Dia looked back at Omen, expecting him to shake his head or something like that, but he did the opposite. It was a slight, almost imperceptible movement but he nodded.

"No, I suppose I can't."

Whatever she liked it or not, if she wanted to meet Hall, she had to follow Freddie.

And she had to do it alone.

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