1. Vacation

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Katherine's P.O.V

It's five years ago today, that my best friend died in a car accident. Every year it's hard for me, knowing I never will see him again. I'm not the only one, Kyle and Jess feel the same way. This year we've decided to go on a vacation, to help us forget this day.

For me, it isn't working at all. I'm standing in front of his grave, staring at his name. Kyle and Jess are standing next to me, holding each other. Since Austin passed away, a lot of things happened. Some were positive, like that they are now together already for two years. Others not so positive, like we need to miss our best friend.

There isn't a day I don't think of him, every time I go to the park, I still see him sitting in that high tree. Jess puts a hand on my shoulder, reminding me we need to go. If we don't hurry up, we're going to miss the plane and we don't want that to happen.

Every single one of us has saved money for this trip, making sure that we don't have to work there and can focus on the good times we're going to have. We get in a cab and simply say the airport. The cab begins to move and I stare out of the window as the large buildings pass by.

After 20 minutes, the cab stops and I decide to pay for the ride. We walk straight to the security, since we're a bit late. They let us through and we run to the right gate. We only have a few minutes left, thanks by me. I'm the one who wanted to go to Austin's grave.

Once we're at the gate, we hand over our tickets and they let us in the plane. A few minutes later, we're in the air. Kyle and Jess are both sleeping, so I decide to do the same thing. I close my eyes and lean back in my seat.

When I wake up, the airplane landed and people are walking to the exit. Kyle and Jess are still sleeping, so I wake them up. They both moan, they hate it when people wake them up, but I don't have a choice. They stand up and grab their bags.

All three of us only have hand luggage, that's cheaper. We walk down the stairs, out of the plane. Since we have no other bags, we're the first ones who arrive at the taxi's. We throw our bags in the trunk and get in one of the cabs. Kyle tells the driver the address and we're on our way.

Half an hour later, the cab stops in front of our little cabin at the beach. The driver grabs our bags out of the cab and gets in again. This time Jess pays and gives the man a tip, he deserves it. 

Kyle holds up the key and dramatically opens the door. It's a nice cabin, small but still big enough for us three. It has two bedrooms with king-sized beds, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. Without looking at the other bedroom, I put my bag in the one with the view on the ocean.

'Let's go to the beach!' Jess yells.

She runs into my room and jumps on my bed. I start laughing, she's so crazy, but I still love her. The bed starts to make scary sounds, when Jess starts to jump up and down on it. I turn around and put my bag in the closet.

'Come on, Jess. I don't want you to break my bed on the first day we're here.'

'Fine, I'll come down.' She says, rolling with her eyes.

Suddenly she jumps on top off me and we both fall on the ground. Her elbow hits my ribs hard, but I try to ignore that. I'm glad she doesn't weight that much, she could've crushed me. She doesn't get off me, like I expected her to do.

Instead, she stretches her back and turns around, so she lays on her belly. Her crotch is touching my butt, but I don't care. I'm used to her doing that kind of things. She starts scratching my back, I love it when she does that.

I don't know why, but suddenly Jess starts to dry hump me. That's weird, even for her. When I look up, I see Kyle standing there, with a grin on his face. That's explains the dry humping. Sometimes, Jess does the strangest things to turn Kyle on, this is one of those things. The sad thing is it actually works.

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