"Yes," Claire admits laughing.

"But seriously I hope you didn't go out your way for us," I said facing her.

"Oh, darling it's no problem at all. I love you and Rose so much," She pulls me into a side hug.

"Come lets bring these out before they get cold", Claire stated.

"Yep." I follow her out to the table.

"Go wash up, I'll bring the rest out and tell James dinner is ready." I nod.

Approaching the living room, I could hear Rose telling James about her best friend Talia and how cool she is.

"James dinner is ready, Rose come on, we need to wash our hands", James stand holding his hand to Rose who grasp it and then they approach me. Reaching me she let go of James hand and hold mine pulling me towards the wash room.

Joining Claire at the table after we washed our hands. We blessed the food and then dived in.

"Claire that was amazing you're the best cook I know", I complemented causing her cheeks to redden.

"Yyeess", Rose chip in as she nobs her head in agreement.

"Of course, she is", James states, kissing her cheek.

"You guys say that every single time", She waves us off.

"But it is true. I feel like a just gain 5lbs, it was so good", I continued rubbing my very full stomach.

"Mm hm", Rose hum in delight copying me rubbing her stomach.

Claire stand to clear the dishes. "Oh no you don't, you cooked so I clean", Claire in smile in gratitude "Thank you dear".

I cleared and washed all the dishes, when I was about done James entered the kitchen.

"Thanks for coming over it means so much to me and even more to Claire. You both make her so happy and all I want is for her to be happy. So, thank you for allowing us to be apart of your lives", James told me earnestly.

"Oh, you're such a big softie", I tease him chuckling, but I know he was serious.

"You both are my daughters" James said with a stern expression. James is about 6ft 1, well build, a dragon tattoo running on his shoulder and he is bold while Claire is 5ft 2, brown hair with a few grey stands, beautiful brown eyes and round face. "If you need anything and I mean anything at all let me know".

I nod feeling a lump swell in my throat, I hug him feeling his fatherly love release off him to me, letting him know they are both appreciated.

"Enough sappy talk", James laughed.

We joined Rose and Claire living room where we watch a family comedy before calling it a night.

Claire gave us tight hugs and kissed our cheeks {there is that motherly love again} and told us to come back soon and if I ever needed anyone to babysit Rose she would be happy for the job.


By the time we reach home Rose had fallen asleep. Putting her to bed, I caress her cheek and whispered sweet dreams in her ear. Then I went to my room and did my nightly rituals.

Slipping between the covers, I grab the book I am currently reading, it's about an orphan boy, finding out he is a werewolf, discovering new things about himself and that he as a destiny which is in an ancient prophecy and that he also has a soulmate.

What an imagination the author has, but still it's a great read. It keeps me on the edge of my seat and my toes at the same time.

'But what if'

'But what if soulmates do exist?'

'What if there was someone specifically made for you?'

The closest thing to soulmates I have seen and known was my parents and James and Claire. Their love was, but in James and Claire case is electrifying, tangible, you can almost feel it or see it in the air that surrounds them. Love so special, so unique that can only be found in your soulmate or someone close to a soulmate.

It makes my heart swell and deflate at the same time.

'Could I find someone like that?'

'Would I have that overwhelming feeling and connection with someone?'

Would I have that feeling where my heart beats wildly for that person, it beats as if it's about to explode into a billion pieces then place back together, then it happens over and over again?

All those cliché stuff about love: tummy butterflies, the blushes, touches, glances and everything that drives a person crazy in love.

Would I ever stop looking over my shoulder to find something or someone so special as that?

Could anyone even love me, a murderer?


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