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jinsoul really wants to ask jungeun to be her girlfriend. they had been really close to be just friends. especially because friends don't kiss each other. the problem was jinsoul didn't know how to ask jungeun to be hers. she wanted to make jungeun happy. do something she'll never forget. jinsoul was never good at planning things. it wasn't one of her strong suits but she would definitely attempt it.

just for jungeun.

which leads to know, jinsoul typing and erasing words on her computer with a different tab open with a list of things she could do to ask jungeun to be her girlfriend. she groaned lowly and erased what she had wrote for what seems like the umpteenth time. she sat back in her seat and glared at the computer screen, a pout placed upon her lips. she was stuck and had no idea how to become unstuck. she heard her dorm door open and looked over to sooyoung coming in and taking off her shoes. the older glanced over jinsoul's shoulder with curiosity on her face. "what are you doing?", she asked and jinsoul let out a big sigh. "well i finally want to ask jungeun to be my girlfriend but i don't know how.", jinsoul said as she glared at the computer screen again.

a chuckle sounded from sooyoung's mouth and she ruffled jinsoul's hair. "just ask her to be your girlfriend. what's so hard about that?", she asked and jinsoul wined and shook her body around. "i want to make it special. she deserves more than me just asking her the question.", jinsoul said and sooyoung glanced at her before removing her shirt and changing it. "you're asking her to be your girlfriend, not to marry you.", she said and another groan came out of jinsoul's mouth.

"it should still be special. sooyoung unnie help me.", jinsoul said and got up to grab sooyoung's hand and shake it. "alright fine. just stop shaking my hand before you pull it off.", she responded and jinsoul immediately beamed at her and let go off her hand.

"thank you thank you thank you.", she said quickly and sooyoung held up her hand. "stop before i change my mind.", she said and jinsoul pretended to zip her lips and throw away the imaginary key.

"okay, here's what you need to do."


jungeun was taking a nap when she heard hard knocks placed on her door. she rubbed the sleep from her eyes before glaring at the door. who the hell knocks on a door so hard? she stood up and slowly trudged to the door. she opened it but no one was out there. she looked down both hallways just to be met with emptiness. she was about to close the door when she noticed an envelope on the floor. she bent down to pick it up and flipped over to the front. "To Jungeun" was placed on the front of it. she furrowed her eyebrows and opened it, taking out the paper that was inside of it.

hi babe. you're probably confused as to what this is but it's just a little scavenger hunt that i put together with a friend. just follow the clues and you win. to start it off, we met here. you were so nervous, your legs were shaking. go here for you next clue - j

jungeun read over the note again before hurrying back inside and getting dressed. after freshening up, she left her dorm with quickness and out to the courtyard. she knew exactly what place jinsoul was talking about. jungeun cringes just thinking about what happen. she was curious as to what jinsoul has planned but she didn't doubt that it wasn't special. she quickly ran over to the spot and noticed a blanket was sat out. the exact blanket jinsoul was sitting on when they first talked. she saw another envelope and quickly opened it.

i promise you, this won't take long. you're two clues down, two more to go. your next clue is at the place where you asked for my number. i won't be sending you in circles anymore. i swear - j

jungeun quickly turned around and made her way back to her dorm building. she opened the door and quickly ran up the stairs to the third floor. sure enough, there was another envelope sitting right where jungeun stood before. she picked it up and noticed the change in the envelope. this one was covered in hearts, unlike the other ones that were plain white.

pretty girl | lipsoulМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя