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"you're seriously telling me you don't have her number yet?" yerim spoke as she and jungeun studied for her math exam. jungeun rolled her eyes at the outburst and erased her mistake on the sheet. "yerim, we've been over this already," she retaliated and yerim scoffed.

"and i still won't be able to grasp the concept that you haven't asked for her number and vice versa!" yerim stated and closed her text book. jungeun got up from her position and grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge. after taking a few gulps, she wiped her mouth and looked at yerim.

"i don't even know if she's gay," jungeun spoke and raised her hands in the air. "okay but you guys are considered friends now right?" yerim asked and jungeun nodded her head. "okay then. friends are supposed to have each other's numbers," she said and the older girl sighed deeply.

yerim was right. friends are supposed to have each other's number. but jungeun didn't like jinsoul as just a friend. if she gets jinsoul's number, it wouldn't have the same meaning as jinsoul getting her number. if that made any sense. jungeun didn't know what made sense anymore. everything was just a bit blurry picture to her. not to mention, exams were coming up and she could feel the stress coming to take over her body. jungeun wasn't bad in school, she's passing all of her classes, but she still hates exams.

and then there was jinsoul.

did jinsoul know that jungeun had a crush on her? did jinsoul have a crush on jungeun? so many "did jinsoul" questions appeared in jungeun's mind at once. she groaned and rubbed her head. she had to get out of the small ass dorm. she needed some air. putting her purse strap over her body, jungeun grabbed her key and walked to the door.

"i'll be back yerim," she called out and left before her roommate could respond. walking down the stairs, jungeun sorted through her thoughts. majority of them were about jinsoul and the rest about exams. it was pretty clear what consumed jungeun daily.

as she rounded the corner, she stopped in place and took in the scene in front of her. her eyes had to be playing tricks on her. jungeun ran her eyes over the blonde headed girl and guy who were chatting by the door. the guy was standing close to jinsoul but she looked fine with it. jungeun watched as jinsoul laughed and put her arm on the guy's bicep before wrapping her arm around his waist and enclosing him in a hug.

no way. i didn't know she was dating someone. goddamit jungeun how stupid can you be? of course she's not into girls and most definitely not into you.

jungeun hung her head low and speed walked to the door, hoping jinsoul didn't notice her. maybe she should've hoped more because a squeaky "jungeun!" sounded through her ears. putting on her best fake smile, jungeun looked up at jinsoul who was grinning at her. she shifted her eyes to the guy next to jinsoul and he smiled at her too, waving. jungeun waved stiffly at him before placing her eyes back on jinsoul.

"hey jinsoul," jungeun spoke shortly and the older girl approached her. "where are you going?" she asked, tilting her head in curiosity. fuck, she's so adorable. jungeun internally rolled her eyes at herself before answering the question. "i was just going to go walk around the park. studying for exams was starting to annoy me," jungeun answered and sighed out. she noticed how close jinsoul and the boy were to each other. jungeun quickly looked away so they didn't see the bitter look she had on her face.

"oh well if it's okay, can i go with you?" jinsoul asked and put her brightest smile. how can i say no to that? she's so adorable. jungeun nodded and jinsoul squealed before turning back to the boy. "i'll see you later, jiseok," she spoke and he nodded. "don't worry, i have to get back to dongwoo anyway," he responded and kissed jinsoul on the cheek. jungeun stiffened at the action and looked away. she honestly had no clue what to expect but it definitely wasn't this. jiseok looked at her and waved before running off.

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