Chapter 4: Question

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I woke up in Marcito's arms, he was still fast asleep. I smiled at his sweet little face, he was younger than me and sometimes I forgot that he was just a baby. My head rested on his chest, I felt his heartbeat and it was just so relaxing and comforting. A few more minutes passed before Asensio seemed to begin to wake up. His head turned one way, then another, then the same way back again. His eyes slowly began to open. He was disorientated at first but looked down to see me in his arms, smiling and looking up at him. When he saw my face, he returned a soft and warm smile. "Good morning baby." I told him as he came to his senses. He kissed me on the top of my head, something he would do that always made my heart melt. "Good morning Isy." he replied. He moved his hand to cup my face, stroking my beard. My beard was very ticklish so I let out a few giggles. "Quit it you!" I told him. He was laughing at me, he loved to tickle me. I quickly rose up and put my hands under his arms. "I gotcha right where I wantcha babe!" I told him, tickling him relentlessly for a few moments. "I surrender, I give in!" he told me between gasps. I always loved winning our tickle fights.

After Marco regained his breath, I kissed him on the cheek. "Does my papi want some coffee?" I asked him. He nodded yes and said "Can papi have some toast too? Pretty pretty please?". How could I say no to him? He was so gorgeous, so cute, and so sweet. "Alright baby, does my man want butter on his toast?" I told him with a smile. "Yes boo, the usual." I rose up from the couch and Marco whistled at me. "Lookin' good babe." he said. "Right back atcha" I responded with a wink. I picked up my shirt from off the floor and put it on since I was cold. I then went over to the kitchen and put some coffee cups in the machine. I then took out the bread and put it in the toaster. I took the toast out and then the coffee. Lastly, I put the butter on the toast since that's how my papi wanted it. 

"Here you go my sweet little Marcito, butter and black coffee. Just how you always like it!" He leaned over and gave me a kiss. We'd been dating for just over three years at that point, but it was the little things that often made my heart skip a beat. Marco looked a little bit nervous and I was confused, just before I'd made us coffee and toast he looked fine. Now he looked as pale as a ghost. "What's wrong mi amor? Why the long face?" I asked. His hands began to tremble. "I... um... I" he said softly "I want to... Iwanttospendtherestofmylifewithyouwillyoumarryme?" My heart began to race alongside his. Marriage? Umm. What? It really hadn't crossed my mind, us getting married? I mean, maybe? I don't know. He was nervously anticipating my response, I couldn't keep him in limbo any longer.

"Yes! I love you so much, I can't imagine my life without you!" I replied. His nervous expression turned to an expression of immense joy. Grinning from ear to ear, he leaned in for a kiss rapidly. Our lips were seemingly glued to each other. Our tongues seemed to become one. My arms were around his neck and his fell to my waist. We both paused for a second to look into each others eyes, it was at this moment we realised truly that we were each other's everything. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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