He leans forward, and went to close the gap between them and the most surprising part was she also went too, she wanted to kiss him, and his brushed against hers-

The dream ended, for she woke up with a startle. Her hand went to her chest to try and stop the horrendous beating that occurred there.

What the bloody hell? She thought, what the actual fuck?

Right, so she knew it was just a dream but still. It was a dream like that...of Harry. Of course she had dreams before with him in them, but this one was quite a big difference. He was about to kiss her...or she was about to kiss him? That was something different.

She dreamt about them kissing.

The worst part was that when she woke up her first reaction was disappointment that the dream ended.

Her lips fall into a frown and she rubs her temples.

What was this?

Aurora glances at the clock on the wall, which read shortly past seven. Typically she wouldn't wake up this early, but considering she would have to be up soon she figured she might as well get dressed and go see Beckham before lessons started.

Once she was dressed, and had her hair done, she made her way down to Hagrid's Hut.

As she walked past the Great Hall, she was surprised to see so many students in there - including Luke who send her a smile. Did people get up this early? When she lived in Aleksander Mansion, she used to never sleep but since she left it was almost hard to wake up sometimes.

Maybe she was making up for all the sleepless nights she had there.

"Miss Black." a voice called, when she was just walking past the greenhouse. "Hem, hem Miss Black, did you not hear me?"

She turns around. "Hi, Professor Umbridge. It's a lovely day isn't it?"

"Indeed. I ask where are you off to this morning. I believe the Great Hall is that way? And you don't have permission to leave the grounds, do you?"

"I'm visiting Hagrid's gatekeeper, on the grounds. He has something of mine I need to get back." she tells her swiftly. "Now, I'll be on my way."

"Mr Hampton?"

"Beckham, yes. He was filling in whilst Hagrid was away in South France."

"Ah yes. I suppose since the typical gatekeeper," she paused , "Hagrid, has returned there is no need for Mr Hampton to stick around. One could say he is no longer needed."

The second the words left her lips all she wanted to do was take out her wand and jinx the life out of the woman. It was like she was trying to take away every last bit of happiness Aurora had left in her. The worst part was the fact she was High Inquisitor and had the power to do it.

She tried to stay calm. "Personally, I need him for several things."

"I believe it's in your best interest if you stop leaving the grounds to visit him. I have noticed you haven't attended many of your lessons over the last few weeks, and have been seen leaving the castle by Filch. Is this true?"

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