Loath vs Loathe

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I bet you don't know this one!

Chapter 3-Loath vs Loathe

So there's a pretty easy way to figure this one out. 

LOATH is an adjective. It means unwilling.  

LOATHE is a verb. It means you really hate something. 

Let's test this out with a quick story :)

I walked quickly, scanning the street for the boy that I loathed more than the Devil. I hated him more than I thought was possible, and I was quite loath to willingly speak to him. My mother scolded me often because she told me that it was not healthy to loathe someone such as I loathed Danny. Once a teacher asked us to collaborate on a school project, but he was as loath to work with me as I was with him. 


Loathe is a verb = TO HATE

Loath is an adjective= UNWILLING

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