Make A Wish: Part 20

Start from the beginning

I scrawl on the paper: "I'm sorry I really didn't mean to. I can't explain why but what I've been doing lately hasn't been me. I love you."

I try to give him the note back but I can't. No matter how hard I try to just throw a simple balled up paper, it felt like it weighed a ton in my hands. Instead my legs went numb again and I felt myself walk over to the nearby trash bin, and throw the note away. No matter what I tried to do this person always stopped me from fixing this.

I sat back down into my seat and I could practically see the anger radiating from Bruno. But what could I do? Anything I tried was forced into something worse. So I just put my head down on my desk, not wanting to do anything.

"Ms. Gonzales?" I hear the teacher say and I look up at him. "Now I know you aren't sleeping in my class, are you?" He asks.

"Of course not, Mr. Tucker." I say.

"Good. Then would you mind coming up to the board and demonstrating how to find the height of a trapezoid?" He asks. I get up and walk to the board, examining the problem. This was a piece of cake to solve. I reached for the chalk and just as I grabbed it I felt my hand go numb.

Oh no.

I tried to will my hand back in my control but it was useless. So I defeatedly watched as my hand scrawled something on the chalk board. When the chalk was set down is when the feeling returned to normal again. I looked up to see what had been written.

"Bruno's height isn't the only thing about him that's small."

The whole class died with laughter. I turned my way to Bruno who's face went red and he slumped as low as he could in his chair. His hand used as a makeshift shield over his face.

I couldn't take this anymore. Without another word I just ran out of the classroom. I went to the place where every high school girl goes during a meltdown. The bathroom.

There was no one in here and I was thankful for that. I walked over to the sink and splashed water on my face to calm me down. As I look back up at my reflection in the mirror I freeze. Where empty space was just 5 seconds ago stood a girl behind me.

I whirled around to face her. She was leaning on one of the bathroom stalls. She looked like one of those preppy popular girls that everyone hates but envies. If I didn't know better I'd think she was just an average teenage girl. But I knew she was not what she seemed. That's when I notice the blue gem tied around her neck.

She has my necklace.

"Looking for this?" She smirks.

"Give it back! It doesn't belong to you." I say.

"But it looks so much better on me, don't you think Selina?" She asks cockily.

"Who are you? And what do you want from me?" I ask.

"Oh, please. Don't flatter yourself sweetheart. Not everything's about you." She says.

"Then why are you doing this to me? I didn't do anything to you." I say angrily.

"No, you didn't. But unfortunately I need you for my plan. And since I have this-" She holds up the necklace. "-you have no choice but to help me." She says.

"No. I won't!" I yell. I run out of there and am surprised that I still have full control of myself. I dash into the classroom and stop. I look around at everyone who seems to be frozen in place. It's like they were in a movie and someone pressed the pause button.

Mr. Tucker was in mid lecture it looked like. And standing only a foot in front of me was Bruno. He looked angry like he was storming out of the room. I walked close to him, and rested my hand on his cheek. I felt his warm breath from his lips. They were alive. I wondered if they had a clue what was going on right now.

"Bruno..." I whisper.

"He can't see or hear you." A familiar voice behind me says.

"Please return them back to normal." I say turning to her.

"Why should I?" She scoffs.

"Please I'll... I'll do whatever you want." I say. This brings a satisfied smile to her lips.

"It's not like you really have a choice." She says.

"I know. Just...please don't hurt him." I whisper.

"Ah, young love." She says walking over to Bruno. Her fingers dance up his arm as she walks behind him. "I'll admit he is pretty cute." She smirks.

My anger bubbled over and I reacted by trying to slap her across the face. Just inches away my hand froze, and she laughs. I scowl.

"You still don't get it, do you?" She asks. "I'm in control. You can't do anything." She says and an invisible force pushes me to the wall. Pain shoots up my spine.

"You're going to help me with my plan to crush my sister. Or else." She says gravely.

Sister? That's when all the pieces started to fit together.

"Don't hurt him." I repeat.

"You're like a broken record." She rolls her eyes. "Besides...I won't touch him." She says.

"You won't?" I ask.

"I don't have to. That's your job." She smirks.

"No." I gasp. Before I know what I'm doing my legs lead me right in front of Bruno. His expression still frozen and angry. I lose control of my entire self.

She snapped her fingers and I looked down to see a sharp blade in my hand. My heart beat rose at the sight of it.

Me not being able to move just watched as the knife rose above my head, aimed right at Bruno's heart.

"No, please! Stop this!" I cry. My hand shook as it fought to stay where it was. Tears streamed down my face and all I heard was laughter.

"Kill him." She ordered.



Askfkshdjskdgjdgs the suspense!!!!

What's gonna happen?? 😱

Anyways.... Well I don't really have much to say. Did you guys enjoy this chapter? Do you hate me? The answer is yes to both.

If you wanna know what happens next...then comment! The more comments I get the quicker I feel like updating "hint hint".

Also vote. 😉👍

That's about it for this authors note. Love ya Hoolies!

Peace ✌


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