Star Fall

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The light from my staff is infinitely better than a flashlight, but does nothing to calm my pounding heart. I stop my run to get a better look at the map of the camp I've clenched in my other hand. Unfortunately, Lulu must have found someplace out of the way. We're well past the boundaries of the camp.

"There's a clearing near here," I say. "A rock slide's made it off limits to the rest of the camp."

"Sounds like a great place to welcome the new stars," Jinx pants, more than a little winded from the growing elevation. "Stupid cookies."

Poppy tightens her grip on her hammer. "Let's go."

The distance between the trees becomes greater, finally opening up to a full meadow. I take a deep breath. Jinx lets out a low whistle.

It's beautiful.

A low fog has settled like a misty quilt over the area. Moonflowers trail over tiny wild roses. Arcs of little blue flowers poke up and hang over the mist. White granite boulders catch the sliver of moonlight and dot the dark meadow like a stony star field. Above, the meteor shower has just begun.

Sitting in the center of it all on a red and white checkered picnic blanket is our little green-haired Lulu. She even brought the oranges.

"Oh, thank the First Star. She's here." A gentle breeze pushes some of the mist away as Janna steps out from behind a tall pine next to us. She must have come up the opposite way from camp. Even she is a little out of breath.

"Lux!" Lulu jumps up. I can't stop myself from running to her. I'm running so hard, the ground shakes. Wait, no... I stop running, but the ground's still shaking. A greenish black glow starts to emanate like sickly veins beneath the mist. A vibration rumbles in time with the now pulsing glow.

"Lulu." I can barely hear myself over the deep growl of the moving rock beneath us.

"We're not alone. New stars are coming, Lux." The innocence in Lulu's eyes has disappeared. She takes my hand. "I've seen them in my dreams."

Even though she's standing right next to me, her voice sounds so far away. Like she's still caught in that dream.

Jinx, Poppy, and Janna circle around the edge of the meadow. The earth heaves beneath my feet.

"Stay back!" I shout.

The warning comes too late. The cracks break into deep fissures. The mist ruptures and a horde of black insects the size of dogs comes crawling out, dripping an eerie green light.

Staff in hand, I reflect a beam of Starlight to the nearest creature. The light hits the creature beneath its winged carapace. It explodes in a disgusting burst of lucent green goo.

"By Starlight," I whisper. "They have wings."

I shout to the others. "They have wings! We can't let them reach the camp!"

"Woo-hoo." I can hear Jinx whooping over the fray. "Shiro. Kuro. Who's feeling ferocious?!" Missiles start firing before she even finishes her sentence. "Come on Short Stack, it's bug squashing time."

"You don't have to tell me twice, Rocket Breath," Poppy shouts back.

I see Janna rise off the ground a few feet. "Hold on, Lulu." I feel her fingers tighten around mine. Janna's voice echoes in the field.

"For tranquility!" A gust of wind blows the mist from the meadow. Several of the creatures get caught in the whirlwind eddies, smashing into heavy tree trunks. Now that the fog is gone, I see there's way more of the awful little things than I thought. This isn't like the other attacks. We're in way over our heads.

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